How many offices does this CSBG have.
What is 5
How many days does the landlord need to give Housing Director(us) notice for rent change.
Who's been employed with Head Start the longest and how many years has she sacrificed?
Who is Linda Stump for 36 years.
How many total offices does CSI have?
What is 12.
How many employees does CSBG & LIHEAP have?
What is 7
Can the landlord tell HUD what HUD is going to pay for rent.
Who was president when Head Start began?
Who is Lyndon B. Johnson.
What month and year did CSI become an Community Action Agency?
What is April 1965.
What does CSBG stand for?
What is Community Services Block Grant
What is the average dollar amount spent on a completed Weatherization home?
How many Head Start classrooms does CSI have?
What is 9.
What is 5.66 Millie.
What does LIHEAP stand for?
What is Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program.
What is the average Air Infiltration reduction percentage on a completed Weatherization Home?
What is 38%
What age do children have to be to enroll in Head Start?
What is
What state agency is CSBG funded through?
What is Department of Social Services.
What month does Weatherization's Fiscal year begin?
What former employee was in the 1st Head Start class?
Who is Roberta.
How many Community Action Agencies are there in the state of Missouri?
What is 19.