Myth or Fact?
The Student Conduct Code
Academic Success
Online Actions
Group Work & Collaboration

True or False?

Most students cheat during college.

False - Academic misconduct occurs in less than 4% of the student population


What is plagiarism?

The submission or presentation of someone else's words, composition, research, or expressed ideas, whether published or unpublished, and presenting them as your own without acknowledgment. This includes direct quotations AND paraphrasing.


What is one time management strategy you plan to use this year?

- Keeping track of deadlines in a calendar or planner
- Setting earlier deadlines for yourself
- Not waiting until the last minute to do assignments
- Schedule studying time
- Planning in advance if you’ll be busy a week you have deadlines


You have to write a discussion post on Canvas based on class readings. You want to see what your classmates have said to improve your ideas. You make a post, then edit it to incorporate ideas from your peers. Is this misconduct? 

This is most likely misconduct. A better approach would be to reply to posts from your classmates and share what you liked in their responses, rather than changing your own. 


Your friend is done with an assignment before you and offers to let you read over their answer to help you get started. Is this an honest way to collaborate?

Reviewing others’ work to see how to do an assignment could be considered misconduct, even if you don’t copy it directly. You should instead ask questions or review the assignment guidelines.


True or false? Students can have a small self-defense pepper spray on campus

True - A small pepper spray is permitted on campus - make sure you know how to use and have it safely. Other larger weapons are not permitted on campus. 


What is cheating?

Use of unauthorized assistance or sources in taking quizzes, tests, or examinations, or completing assignments. This may include ChatGPT, Chegg, or answers from a friend to name a few examples.


What is one academic goal you have for your first quarter?

Any goals you have! Setting goals is a great way to keep yourself grounded when things get busy. Try breaking big goals down into smaller steps to increase your success. 


Is it okay to use Google Translate, DeepL, or other translation tools for assignments? 

It depends on the class!
If your instructor doesn't make it clear, it's always best to ask. Make sure to be aware of the difference between translation tools and more advanced grammar editing tools like Grammarly, as instructors may not allow grammar editing. 


You are allowed to work with other students on homework. A student suggests to split the homeworks 50/50 so you only have to do every other assignment. Is this an honest way to collaborate?

This might be considered misconduct depending on the class.

Even when it is allowed, it's not the best way to collaborate. If you did this, you would be missing out on 50% of the practice and learning of homework.

True or false? Having a meeting with Community Standards & Student Conduct means that you did something wrong.

False - Being reported doesn’t automatically mean there was a policy violation. Our reports are all alleged and you have an opportunity to share your perspective. 


How old do you have to be to posses and consume alcohol in the U.S.?

21 years old


What does academic integrity mean to you?

Having academic integrity means being honest in your work, and taking responsibility for what you do. It is how huskies ensure fairness inside the classroom and beyond!


When is it acceptable to use ChatGPT or other generative AI programs?

Generally, when the syllabus says you can!
It may be okay to develop your own study resources with the help of ChatGPT, but you should not submit assignments with ChatGPT unless your instructor says it is okay.


You are in a group project and one of your group members uses ChatGPT to complete their portion of the work. Could this impact you and the other group members?

Yes, all group members could be held accountable for academic misconduct if ChatGPT was prohibited. When your name is attached to an assignment, you have a responsibility to make sure the work is done with integrity.


True or False? Students can still be held accountable for misconduct even if they didn't know an action was against the Student Conduct Code.

True - Yes, even if it’s unintentional, you could still be reported for misconduct and may be found responsible. 


Which office is responsible for responding to reports of misconduct at UW?

The Office of Community Standards & Student Conduct (that's us!)


Where can you get more information is class policies are not clear?

- Class syllabus
- Ask/email your professor
- Ask/email your teaching assistant (TA)


You found a completed homework solution online. You don’t copy it exactly but do reference it to make sure they’re on the right track. Is this misconduct?

This might be considered misconduct. 

Be sure to check your course syllabus and quiz instructions to determine what resources you may be allowed to reference. 


When should you acknowledge your collaborators on a project or assignment?

Every time! It is always best practice to include a reference page or note any sources - including people - you use when completing an assignment.


True or False? I can use cannabis on campus as long as I am 21 years old since it is legal in the state of Washington.

False - The University of Washington is a drug-free campus, so cannabis use is not allowed. 


What is hazing?

Hazing includes any act committed as part of a person’s recruitment, initiation into, pledging, admission into, or affiliation with a student group that is likely to cause bodily danger, physical harm, or serious psychological or emotional harm, to any student.


What is one resource on campus you can use to help with your academic work?

- Go to office hours
- Visit a tutoring center
- Go to the Writing Center
- Meet with an Academic Coach


Can sending harmful or threatening messages online to another UW community member result in a student conduct meeting?

Yes, even personal social media messages or texts may be considered violations of the Student Conduct Code if they are instances of bullying, harassment, or hazing.


You are in a class with a final project. Your friend is assigned to a different group from you and asks for your help because their group isn't contributing very much. Can you share ideas from your group’s project with your friend?

This might be considered misconduct. If your instructor has said that groups can help one another, it may be okay after you get permission from your group. 

You should not share specific work like written sections or slide decks with your friend.