Author Histories
Defining Drama
Origins of Drama
Story Comprehension
!Wild Card!
He was one of the most preeminent writers of Magical Realism. ________________ resisted predetermined plot structures. His writing forces readers to actively engage with it to provide essential details.
Who is Gabriel Garcia Marquez.
To make up for the lack of a narrator in a play, the playwright might use extended speeches by one character called __________________.
What is a monologue.
To make up for the lack of a narrator in a play, the playwright might also use monologues in which a character expresses private thoughts by speaking directly to the audience without being heard by the other characters called _________________________.
What is a soliloquy.
True or False: In "The Very Old Man with Enormous Wings," Pelayo and his wife Elisenda were dumping lobsters when they stumbled across an old man in their yard who had enormous beautiful wings.
What is False
Students should use words like but, however, in spite of, on the one hand … on the other hand, nevertheless, nonetheless, notwithstanding, in contrast, on the contrary, still, yet to show __________.
What is contrast
_______________________ - himself a great sportsman - liked to portray soldiers, hunters, bullfighters - tough, at times primitive people whose courage and honesty are set against the brutal ways of modern society, and who in this confrontation lose hope and faith.
Who is Ernest Hemingway.
In his Poetics, ________________ (384-322 B.C.) sums up ancient Greek thinking about drama when he defines a tragedy – a drama treating a serious subject and involving persons of significance.
Who is Aristotle.
The open-air, semicircular ancient _____________ theater, built into the side of a hill, looked much like a primitive version of a modern sports stadium. Some theaters could seat almost seventeen thousand spectators.
What is Greek.
In "The Briefcase," what was the main character's job before his arrest?
What was a chef.
As with transitions between sections and paragraphs, transitions ______________ ________________ act as cues by helping readers to anticipate what is coming before they read it.
What is within paragraphs.
Best known for his tales of mystery and the macabre, ________________ was one of the earliest American practitioners of the short story and is generally considered the inventor of the detective fiction genre. He/she is further credited with contributing to the emerging genre of science fiction.
Who is Edgar Allan Poe.
According to ancient Greek thinking, the protagonist of a ___________________ is neither all good nor all evil, but a mixture of the two.
What is a tragedy.
Town ________________ – organizations of craftsmen who worked in the same profession – reenacted Old and New Testament stories: the fall of man, Noah and the flood, David and Goliath, and the crucifixion of Christ, for example.
What are guilds.
In "A Clean, Well-lighted Place," which waiter showed sympathy for the deaf old man drinking late into the night?
Who was the older waiter.
_______________ Comedy may be satirical, but the satire is often tempered by elements of farce, comedy in which stereotypical characters engage in boisterous horseplay and slapstick humor, all the while making jokes and sexual innuendoes.
What is New Comedy.
_________________ was born in 1978 and holds an MA from Middlebury College’s Bread Loaf School of English and a BA from Washington and Lee University. Their short fiction has been anthologized in The Best American Short Stories, and The Best American Non-required Reading 2009.
Who is Rebecca Makkai.
Dramatic _____________ (also called tragic ________________) emerges from a situation in which the audience knows more about the dramatic situation than a character does.
What is irony.
In the 12th and 13th centuries in England, church fathers encouraged ________________ plays because they brought the Bible to a largely illiterate audience. Sometimes these spectacles were presented in the market square or on the church steps, and at other times actors appeared on movable stages or wagons called pageants, which could be wheeled to a given location.
What are mystery plays.
TRUE or FALSE: In "The Very Old Man with Enormous Wings," when Pelayo’s child came down with chicken pox, the winged-man did too. The doctor couldn’t help but check his heart when he was there, and he heard so much whistling from the heart and kidneys he was surprised the man was alive at all.
What is True.
The ________________ century developed its own characteristic comic forms, reflecting the uncertainty and pessimism of a period marked by two world wars, the Holocaust, and nuclear destruction, as well as threats posed by environmental pollution and ethnic and racial conflict – and, in this century, the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.
What is the twentieth century.
_________________ attended the National University of Colombia in Bogotá. At his family’s insistence, he studied law but detested this study.
Who is Gabriel Garcia Marquez.
__________________, which arose in the late nineteenth century as a response to the artificiality of melodrama, presented serious (and sometimes tragic) themes and believable characters in the context of everyday contemporary life.
What is Realism.
William Shakespeare’s plays were performed at the _____________ Theater (a corner of which was unearthed in December 1988).
What is the Globe Theater.
TRUE or FALSE: In "The Masque of the Red Death," Prince Prospero locked himself up alone in his castle, but during a long, cold, and lonely night, 'Death' came for Prospero dressed as the "Red Death."
What is false; the prince was not alone.
During the Renaissance, particularly in the latter part of the sixteenth century, writers such as Ben Jonson experimented with a different type of comedy – the comedy of ____________________, which focused on characters whose behavior was controlled by a characteristic trait.
What is the comedy of humours.