Homologous vs. Analogous
Vestigial Structures
Comparative Anatomy in Practice

Explain why the wings of a bat and the wings of a bird are considered analogous structures.

The wings of a bat and a bird are analogous because they serve the same function (flight) but have different evolutionary origins.


What is the purpose of the branches in a cladogram?

Branches in a cladogram represent evolutionary relationships between groups of organisms.


During embryonic development, what structure in vertebrates gives rise to the central nervous system?

The neural tube.


Which of the following is an example of a vestigial structure in humans: the appendix, the spleen, or the liver?

The appendix.


Analogous structures.

Analogous structures are body parts that look or work the same in different animals, but they don't come from the same ancestor. They evolved separately to do similar jobs because of similar environments or lifestyles.


Provide an example of homologous structures found in different mammalian species.

The pentadactyl limb (limb with five digits).


What is the significance of the length of branches in a cladogram?

The length of branches in a cladogram represents the amount of evolutionary change that has occurred since the divergence of the groups represented by the branches.


During embryonic development, what structure in vertebrates develops into gills in fish and the inner ear in mammals?

Pharyngeal arches.


Name one vestigial structure found in whales and briefly explain its significance.

Pelvic bones.


Homologous Structure

Homologous structures are body parts that are similar in different animals because they share a common ancestor. Even though they might look different or have different functions, they come from the same basic body part in the ancestor.


Provide an example of analogous structures found in different species.

The wings of insects and birds are analogous structures.


Explain how cladograms are constructed and what data is used to create them.

Cladograms are constructed based on shared derived characteristics among groups of organisms.


What is the significance of studying embryonic development in understanding evolutionary relationships among species?

Similarities in embryonic development suggest common ancestry among different species.


Name one vestigial structure found in humans and explain its function in ancestral species.

The coccyx (tailbone).


Vestigial Structure.

Vestigial structures are body parts that used to have a purpose in an animal's ancestors, but now they don't do much or anything at all. They're like leftovers from evolution, showing how animals have changed over time.