Finding Important Points
Similarities (Sim-i-lar-i-ties)

*Turn to page 324

What are the some important points shown in the  pictures?  

 1) People should plant trees

 2) Animals are happy when the planet is taken car of 

 3) Take care of the planet


Turn to page 324

What is the important point shown in both posters?  

"Take care of planet earth"

Turn to Page 324

What is different about poster 1?  Or

What is different about poster 2?  

Poster 1- Planting a tree, people should 

Poster 2- animals in a forest, people should think about animals.  


*Turn to page 326 paragraph 1

What is an important point in paragraph 1 in the article "Don't Feed the Animals"?  

"If we want to have healthy wild animals, then we can't give animals food"


Turn to Page 326- "Don't Feed the Animals" Paragraph 2 and "Our Animal Friends" Paragraph 1

What important points are the same in the two text?  

1) They both talk about animals

2) Feeding animals makes them stop finding their own food


*Turn to Page 326

In the article "Don't Feed The Animals" explains that people food makes animals sick.  Does the author explain in the article "Our Animal Friends"?

Yes or No



Turn to page 326 paragraph 1

What is an important point in paragraph 1 in the article "Our Animal Friends"?

1) We need to take care of our animals

2) One way to keep animals safe is to not feed them

3) Be careful when we are driving


*Look at your notes

What is another word (Or Words) used for similarities?  

Similarities- Both, Similarly, Also, Same


*Look at your notes

What is another word (Or words) used for differences?  

but, however, yet, instead, unlike


*Turn to Page 328 Paragraph 2

Why is water important?  

* To stay healthy, to live, or to get clean


*Look at page 328 Paragraph 1 and page 329 paragraph 3

What do both articles say that water could be used for?

A) Drinking 

B) Wash our bodies  

A) Once water is cleaned it can be used for drinking


*Turn to Page 326 paragraph 2 "Our Animal Friends"

The article says that driving safely keeps animals safe.  Is it also said in the article "Don't Feed the Animals"?

Yes or No



Turn to page 329 paragraph 4 "Turn on the Tap"

What should people do to protect water?  

1) Take shorter showers 2) Don't throw garbage in rivers or lakes 3) Don't leave the water running


What is an important point in both articles ("Turn on the Tap" and "Fresh Water")

A) We must protect our water

B) Boiling water is dangerous

A) We must protect our water

Which important part is in "Fresh Water" but not in "Turn on the Tap"? (P. 328 and 329)

A) We should use water carefully

B) Water is cleaned to make it safe to drink

C) Everyone can help keep water safe

C) Everyone can help keep water safe