Fractions Equivalent to Half
What is a fraction equivalent to one half that has 50 as a denominator.
What is 25/50.
Compare fractions using <>, or = 9/10 and 18/20
What is 9/10 = 18/20?
Compare fractions using <>, or = 4/5 and 2/3
What is 4/5 > 2/3
Write a fraction that is equivalent to one half that has a denominator of 40.
What is 20/40 .
Compare fractions using <>, or = 9/12 and 12/24
What is 9/12 > 12/24?
Compare fractions using <>, or = 12/24 and 5/12
What is 12/24 > 5/12?
Compare fractions using <>, or = 17/18 and 16/18
What is 17/18 > 16/18?
A fraction equivalent to one half and a numerator of 30
What is 30/60?
Compare fractions using <>, or = 2/20 and 20/25
What is 2/20 > 20/25?
Compare fractions using <>, or = 4/12 and 1/3
What is 4/12 = 1/3