The least common denominator of 1/2 and 3/4.
What is 4?
4/10 in simplest form
What is 2/5?
Compare fractions using <>, or = 4/4 and 3/4
What is 4/4 > 3/4?
The least common denominator of 7/8 and 1/5?
What is 40?
25/30 in simplest form
What is 5/6?
Compare fractions using <>, or = 1/6 and 1/12
What is 1/6 > 1/12?
The least common denominator of 1/6 and 5/9.
What is 18?
49/77 in simplest form.
What is 7/11?
Compare fractions using <>, or =
1/5 and 1/4
What is 1/5 < 1/4?
Rewrite the expression "5/12 + 1/8" using like denominators.
What is, "10/24 + 3/24"?
16/7 in simplest form.
What is 2 and 2/7?
Compare fractions using <>, or = 7/8 and 5/6
What is 7/8 > 5/6
4/9 + 6/36
What is 11/18?
9/19 in simplest form.
What is this is a trick question, 9/19 is in simplest form?
Compare fractions using <>, or = 17/18 and 16/17
What is 17/18 > 16/17?