Find the LCM of 3 and 4
Find the GCF of 2 and 5
There is none! (or 1)
Compare fractions using <>, or = 3/4 and 3/6
What is 3/4 > 3/6?
Compare fractions using <>, or = 4/4 and 3/4
What is 4/4 > 3/4?
Write 5/100 as a decimal
How do we find the LCM
Listing multiples
How do you find the GCF?
Factor Trees
Compare fractions using <>, or = 3/5 and 3/6
What is 3/5 > 3/6?
Compare fractions using <>, or = 3/7 and 4/7
What is 3/7 < 4/7?
Write 2/20 as a decimal
What do we use the LCM for?
To find common denominators
Find the GCF of 24 and 12
Compare fractions using <>, or = 10/9 and 10/12
What is 10/9 > 10/12?
Compare fractions using <>, or = 7/11 and 9/11
What is 7/11 < 9/11?
Write 1/5 as a decimal
What is the LCM of 3,4,5
What do we use GCF for?
Finding a common factor to divide it by (simplify!)
Compare fractions using <>, or = 12/9 and 12/24
What is 12/9 > 12/24?
**Ms. Yopko Trivia**
What is her favorite flavor of ice cream?
Moose tracks
**Mr. Z Trivia**
How many pairs of shoes does Mr. Z own? (sandals count)
5..... wow
Find the LCM of 5,12, 24
Find the GCF of 36, 12, and 18
Compare fractions using <>, or = 2/20 and 2/10
What is 2/20 < 2/10?
Compare fractions using <>, or = 20/20 and 14/20
What is 20/20 > 14/20
Write 1/4 as a decimal