What is the top number of a fraction called?
Compare fractions using <>, or = 1/2 and 2/3
What is 1/2 < 2/3?
Total parts of a fraction?
What is the denominator
Compare fractions using <>, or = 1/9 and 1/10
What is 1/9 > 1/10?
Compare fractions using <>, or = 3/5 and 3/6
What is 3/5 > 3/6?
What does the fraction bar in the middle of a fraction mean?
What is division
Compare fractions using <>, or = 10/9 and 10/12
What is 10/9 > 10/12?
Compare fractions using <>, or = 10/10 and 9/9
What is =
What vocabulary word means the same as equal?
What is equivalent or is
Compare fractions using <>, or = 1/7 and 1/4
What is 1/7 < 1/4?
Compare fractions using <>, or = 5/10 and 5/12
What is 5/10 > 5/12?
6/6 is equal to what whole number?
What is 1
Name a way fractions can be used in real life? Think, Why am I learning fractions?
What is to help divide food into equal shares, measuring something for matierial, money, items, etc
Compare fractions using <>, or = 9/12 and 9/10
What is 9/12 < 9/10?
Compare fractions using <>, or = 20/20 and 14/20
What is 16/20 > 14/20
True or False: Can 2/4 be equal to 1/2?
What is true.