Order these decimals from LEAST to GREATEST:
6.7, 9.8, 1.2
1.2, 6.7, 9.8
What is the decimal for one half?
What is the only number that can't be divided by anything?
What is Zero
Write this decimal: one and sixty seven hundredths
Order these decimals from greatest to least by making them equivalent first (add zeros so there are the same amount of digits)
.09, .099, 0.123
0.123, 0.099, 0.090
what is the decimal for one quarter?
What number do you always get when you multiply any number by 9 and add the digits of the product together?
What is 9
What is .789 in word form
seven hundred eighty nine thousandths
Are these decimals ordered least to greatest, or greatest to least?
7.888, 9.766, 9.777
Least to greatest
What is the decimal for three quarters?
Which number is the only even prime number in the world?
What is 2
What is four tenths written in decimal form?
Order these decimals from greatest to least:
0.001, 0.009, 0.010, 0.111
0.111, 0.010, 0.009, 0.001
Which of these fractions is equal to one half?
50/100, 40/80, 1/2
What 2-digit number can you multiply by and the sum of its digits appears in the middle?
What is 11
How do I write this decimal in word form: 2.9
What can I do if my decimals don't have the same number of digits after the decimal?
Make them equivalent
add zeros
Compare the decimals using <,> or =. 3.001 _____ 30.001
What is the fraction for three quarters?
What shape has an infinite number of sides?
What is a circle