How would you feel if...
Moody Cow
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What is the definition of compassion?
Imagining how another person feels. Caring about others. Showing concern through kind thoughts, words, and actions.

Name an event that could cause you to feel sad or upset?

getting a bad grade, being ignored on the playground, losing a race, forgetting your lunch, etc...

How would you feel if someone said your clothes were dirty?
embarrassed, upset, sad, ashamed, mad, angry
What was Moody Cow's real name?
What could you say to show compassion? Your friend received a cool video game for his/her birthday.
That's so cool! You're lucky. That's great! Congratulations! I'm so glad you got the game you were wanting. That's awesome!
True or False: Compassion is listening and being patient.
Name an event that could make you feel excited.
going on vacation, having a classmate say something nice to you, doing well on your homework, etc...
How would you feel if your favorite dog ran away from home and you couldn't find her.
sad, upset, depressed, frustrated, angry
Why did Bully call Moody Cow a Coward Cow?
Because he showed compassion for the cricket when he gave the snake a cricket to eat.
What could you say to show compassion? Your classmate forgot his/her homework at home and is very upset because they lost points.
I'm sorry that you forgot your work. I'd be upset to lose points too.

True or False: Is it showing compassion when you help someone tie their shoe on the playground.


Give the definition or an example of feeling embarrassed.
feeling ashamed or shy about something.
How would you feel if you won 2nd place in a race.
jealous, mad, frustrated, glad, happy, relieved
What nightmare did Moody Cow have?
He had a dream that he was as tiny as a cricket and a huge snake tried to eat him.
What could you say to show compassion? Your sister has a huge mess in her room that her friends left.
This stinks. I'll help you clean this up. I know how a messy room bothers you. Can I help you? I'd be upset too if my friends made a mess in my room and didn't clean it up.
True or False. This is an example of compassion: When my neighbor said something mean to me after she fell off her bike I called her a mean name back.
What feelings make you clench your mussels?
angry, frustrated, irritated, annoyed, etc...
How would you feel if you had a sister or brother that others made fun of.
angry, mad, upset, sad, embarrassed
Why did Moody Cow's grandfather make him put sprinkles in a jar full of water?
The sprinkles were Moody Cow's negative thoughts. He put them in the water to watch them sink to the bottom so Moody Cow could calm his thoughts in his head.
What could you say to show compassion? Your friend didn't get to go first in line and he had been waiting for his turn for awhile.
I'm sorry you didn't get to go first in line this time. I know you really wanted it, but you'll get another chance soon!
What would it mean if I thought you were a compassionate person?
That I think about others feelings and care about my friends.
What does it mean to have butterflies in your stomach?
You might be feeling: nervous, worried, scared, embarrassed, stressed, etc...
How would you feel if you had waited all week for your dad to come have lunch with you and he never came.
Hurt, upset, sad, mad, angry, furious, jealous, disappointed
Why did Moody Cow and Bully do with the crickets they bought in the store?
They released them back in the wild.
What could you say to show compassion? Your friend was nervous to read in front of the whole class and started stuttering. Everyone started to laugh.
Stop laughing! We'd all be nervous too. Take a deep breath! I know you can do it! I'd have a hard time reading in front of all these people too. I know it's hard to get in front of a big group.