Systematic method to discover and describe similarities and differences among jobs
What is job analysis
A group of tasks
What is a position
The most common method
What is an open-ended questionnaire
The final result of the job analysis – job description – job evaluation process
What is structure
Routine work
What is transactional work
Tasks, duties, and responsibilities that make up a job
What is a job description
Group of tasks performed by one person
What is a job
Job analysis method where follow-up questions are asked immediately in response to employee answers
What is an interview
Equidistant factor scales
What is interval scaling
A quality of an evaluation where different evaluators produce the same results. (Hint: necessary for validity)
What is reliability
Knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary to perform the job
What is job specification
A combination of broadly similar jobs
What is a job family
Method that provides limited response choices to questions
What is a structured questionnaire
Method where weights reflect relative importance of each factor
What is the point method
Identifying and collecting information about skills required to perform work in an organization
What is skill analysis
Most common approach to job analysis
What is a job-based approach
The smallest unit of analysis
What is a task
A method that works best for gathering information about production jobs
What is observation
Orders job descriptions from highest to lowest based on relative value
What is ranking
Foundational qualities for success at any level
What are core competencies
Comparison of jobs within an organization
What is job evaluation
Reveals the actual work performed and its purpose or outcome
What is task data
Method that creates a lot of data but may be hard to interpret
What are work diaries
Uses a matrix to compare all possible pairs of jobs
What is paired comparison
Observable behaviors that show competency
What are competency indicators