This character is chosen as the leader of the boys after a vote, based on his ability to blow a conch shell.
Who is Ralph?
This character from Lord of the Flies initially leads the choirboys and later challenges Ralph for leadership of the group.
Who is Jack?
This physical ailment prevents piggy from fully participating in physical activities and contributes to his social isolation.
What is asthma? (asthmar)
Ralph believes this is the most important task for the boys on the island, as it symbolizes their hope for rescue.
What is maintaining the signal fire?
Jack’s primary focus as a leader becomes this activity, which he believes is essential for survival and power.
What is hunting?
Despite his intelligence, piggy fails to gain this from the other boys, leading to his ideas being ignored
What is respect?
As the boys begin to fracture, Ralph’s leadership is challenged most directly by this character, who prioritizes hunting over the group’s welfare.
Who is Jack?
Jack’s leadership style is very different from Ralph's, as Jack values this over the rules and order Ralph tries to maintain.
What is freedom or chaos?
Piggy attempts to use this object to establish order, but his inability to assert authority leads to chaos.
What is the conch
Despite his competence in creating rules, Ralph struggles to uphold this, which leads to the growing breakdown of order among the boys.
What is discipline?
Jack’s competence as a leader is evident when he successfully takes control of this group, which becomes a major force of rebellion against Ralph.
What is the hunters?
Although piggy has logical solutions, his inability to perform this crucial survival skill puts him at a disadvantage on the island.
What is building a fire?
Ralph's leadership ultimately falters due to the increasing loss of this through chapter 4/5, which had been his primary strength and vision for the group.
What is civilization?
Jack’s leadership eventually leads to this horrible act in chapter 9, symbolizing his complete departure from civilized behavior.
What is the murder of Simon?
Piggy consistently relies on this character to present his ideas, showing his lack on leadership and influence among the group.
Who is ralph?