Operating Skills/Organizational Skills
Personal & Interpersonal Skills
Strategic Skills
Mixed Comeptencies
Sets objectives and goals Anticipates and adjusts for problems and roadblocks
What is Planning
Has the patience to hear people out. Can accurately restate the opinions of others even when he/she disagrees.
What is Listening
Sought out by others for advice and solutions Makes good decisions based upon a mixture of analysis, wisdom, experience, and judgment
What is Decision Quality
Seizes more oppurtunites than others
What is Action Oriented
These three classes will require a microphone
What is SPAN/502, SPAN/503, and RDG/516
Provides the information people need to know how to do their jobs and to tfeel good about being a member of the team, unit, and/or the organzation Is timely with information
What is Informing
This unskilled person can't communicate or sell a vision; more comfortable in the here and now; Uncomfortable speculating on the unknown future.
What is Managing Vision and Purpose
Being this competency involves: Letting your ideas incubate; Immersing yourself in a problem. This is a valued skill because most organizations need innovation in their products and services to succeed.
What is Creativity
Causes to this competency are: Arrogant, impatient, insensitive; Defensive in the face of criticism; Not self-confident
What is Interpersonal Savvy
This site can be accessed by current and inactive students (up to a year). This site helps to balance, school, work, and personal lives
What is Student Work-Life Enrichment Program
Causes: Too wordy; too long Grammar/usage problems Hard to tell what your point is
What is Written Communication
Some causes to this competency are: Too anxious to make the sale; Won't take a stand; spread too thin:can't say no
What is Integrity and Trust
An unskilled person Doesn’t think or talk strateg, may try to simplify too much or be very tactical
What is Strategic Agility
Can accurately project what people are likely to do across a variety of situations
What is Sizing up people
Students who have graduated from a program at UOP are eligible for this discount which gives a 10% discount.
What is Alumni Tuition Discount
Skilled: Gets more done in less time than others Can attend to a broader range of activities
What is Time Mangament
Some of the remedies to this competency are: Show understanding and empathy; Delay advice giving; Just listen
What is Compassion
Remedies to this competency are: 1) Be an influencer 2) Assess your peers 3) Be more cooperative
What is Peer Relastionships
This tool in the Center for Writing Excellence helps students by going through a step by step guide on how to create various academic papers.
What is Writing Wizard
Unskilled: May scramble at the last minute and have to work long hours to finish Overused skill: may not be tolerant of normal chaos May lose his/her effectiveness when things don't go as planned
What is Organizaing
This skilled person is: Dedicated to meeting the expectations and requirements of internal and external customers, acts with customers in mind.
What is Customer/Student Focus
Some causes to this competency are: One-style-fits-all Judgmental about others Prefer to treat everyone the same
What is Motivating others
The methods or techniques used to teach children.
What is Pedagogy