Occupational therapy personnel shall demonstrate a concern for the well-being and safety of persons.
The Principle of "............." includes all forms of action intended to benefit other persons.
The term "............." has historically indicated acts of mercy, kindness, and charity. "..........." requires taking action to benefit others—in other words, to promote good, to prevent harm, and to remove harm.
Examples of "............." include protecting and defending the rights of others, preventing harm from occurring to others, removing conditions that will cause harm to others, offering services that benefit persons with disabilities, and acting to protect and remove persons from dangerous situations.
indicates demonstration of unselfish concern for the welfare of others. Occupational therapy personnel reflect this concept in actions and attitudes of commitment, caring, dedication, responsiveness, and understanding.
Occupational therapy personnel shall refrain from actions that cause harm.
The Principle of "......................" indicates that occupational therapy personnel must refrain from causing harm, injury, or wrongdoing to recipients of service.
Whereas Beneficence requires taking action to incur benefit, "....................." requires avoiding actions that cause harm. The Principle of "..................." also includes an obligation not to impose risks of harm even if the potential risk is without malicious or harmful intent. This Principle is often examined in the context of due care, which requires that the benefits of care outweigh and justify the risks undertaken to achieve the goals of care.
For example, an occupational therapy intervention might require the service recipient to invest a great deal of time and perhaps even discomfort; however, the time and discomfort are justified by potential long-term, evidence-based benefits of the treatment.
"........." indicates that all persons have fundamental human rights and the right to the same opportunities. Occupational therapy personnel demonstrate this value by maintaining an attitude of fairness and impartiality and treating all persons in a way that is free of bias. Personnel should recognize their own biases and respect all persons, keeping in mind that others may have values, beliefs, or lifestyles that differ from their own. "........." applies to the professional arena as well as to recipients of occupational therapy services.
Occupational therapy personnel shall respect the right of the person to self-determination, privacy, confidentiality, and consent.
The Principle of "..........." expresses the concept that occupational therapy personnel have a duty to treat the client or service recipient according to their desires, within the bounds of accepted standards of care, and to protect their confidential information. Often, respect for "..........." is referred to as the self-determination principle. Respecting the "..........." of service recipients acknowledges their agency, including their right to their own views and opinions and their right to make choices in regard to their own care and based on their own values and beliefs.
For example, persons have the right to make a determination regarding care decisions that directly affect their lives. In the event that a person lacks decision-making capacity, their "............" should be respected through the involvement of an authorized agent or surrogate decision maker.
"............" indicates valuing each person’s right to exercise autonomy and demonstrate independence, initiative, and self-direction. A person’s occupations play a major role in their development of self-direction, initiative, interdependence, and ability to adapt and relate to the world. Occupational therapy personnel affirm the autonomy of each individual to pursue goals that have personal and social meaning. Occupational therapy personnel value the service recipient’s right and desire to guide interventions.
Occupational therapy personnel shall promote equity, inclusion, and objectivity in the provision of occupational therapy services.
The Principle of "..........." relates to the fair, equitable, and appropriate treatment of persons. Occupational therapy personnel demonstrate attitudes and actions of respect, inclusion, and impartiality toward persons, groups, and populations with whom they interact, regardless of age, gender identity, sexual orientation, race, religion, origin, socioeconomic status, degree of ability, or any other status or attributes. Occupational therapy personnel also respect the applicable laws and standards related to their area of practice. "..........." requires the impartial consideration and consistent observance of policies to generate unbiased decisions.
For example, occupational therapy personnel work to create and uphold a society in which all persons have equitable opportunity for full inclusion in meaningful occupational engagement as an essential component of their lives.
".........." indicates that occupational therapy personnel provide occupational therapy services for all persons in need of these services and maintain a goal-directed and objective relationship with recipients of service. ".........." places value on upholding moral and legal principles and on having knowledge of and respect for the legal rights of recipients of service.
Occupational therapy personnel must understand and abide by local, state, and federal laws governing professional practice. ".........." is the pursuit of a state in which diverse communities are inclusive and are organized and structured so that all members can function, flourish, and live a satisfactory life regardless of age, gender identity, sexual orientation, race, religion, origin, socioeconomic status, degree of ability, or any other status or attributes.
Occupational therapy personnel, by virtue of the specific nature of the practice of occupational therapy, have a vested interest in social justice: addressing unjust inequities that limit opportunities for participation in society. They also exhibit attitudes and actions consistent with occupational justice: full inclusion in everyday meaningful occupations for persons, groups, or populations.
Occupational therapy personnel shall provide comprehensive, accurate, and objective information when representing the profession.
The Principle of "..........." refers to comprehensive, accurate, and objective transmission of information and includes fostering understanding of such information. "..........." is based on the virtues of truthfulness, candor, honesty, and respect owed to others.
In communicating with others, occupational therapy personnel implicitly promise to be truthful and not deceptive.
For example, when entering into a therapeutic or research relationship, the service recipient or research participant has a right to accurate information. In addition, transmission of information must include means to ensure that the recipient or participant understands the information provided.
"........." indicates the importance of valuing, promoting, and preserving the inherent worth and uniqueness of each person. This value includes respecting the person’s social and cultural heritage and life experiences.
Exhibiting attitudes and actions of "........" requires occupational therapy personnel to act in ways consistent with cultural sensitivity, humility, and agility.
Occupational therapy personnel shall treat clients (persons, groups, or populations), colleagues, and other professionals with respect, fairness, discretion, and integrity.
The Principle of "..........." refers to the duty one has to keep a commitment once it is made. This commitment refers to promises made between a provider and a client, as well as maintenance of respectful collegial and organizational relationships. Professional relationships are greatly influenced by the complexity of the environment in which occupational therapy personnel work.
For example, occupational therapy personnel should consistently balance their duties to service recipients, students, research participants, and other professionals, as well as to organizations that may influence decision making and professional practice.
"......" indicates that occupational therapy personnel in all situations should be faithful to facts and reality. Truthfulness, or veracity, is demonstrated by being accountable, honest, forthright, accurate, and authentic in attitudes and actions. Occupational therapy personnel have an obligation to be truthful with themselves, recipients of service, colleagues, and society.
"......" includes maintaining and upgrading professional competence and being truthful in oral, written, and electronic communications.
(B)aking (N)ice (A)pple (J)am (V)ery (F)inely.
Imagine a good team of healthcare professionals (B) in a beautiful, safe garden (N), discussing patient rights (A), ensuring fairness (J), being honest (V), and staying committed to their patients (F).
1. Beneficence
2. Nonmaleficence
3. Autonomy
4. Justice
5. Veracity
6. Fidelity
"............." indicates the ability to govern and discipline oneself through the use of reason. To be prudent is to value judiciousness, discretion, vigilance, moderation, care, and circumspection in the management of one’s own affairs and to temper extremes, make judgments, and respond on the basis of intelligent reflection and rational thought.
"............." must be exercised in clinical and ethical reasoning, interactions with colleagues, and volunteer roles.
(A)nyone and (E)veryone (F)inds (J)oy (D)ancing (T)o (P)eace.
1. Altruism
2. Equality
3. Freedom
4. Justice
5. Dignity
6. Truth
7. Prudence