Bilingual Education Terms
ESL Terms
History of ESL Education
Court Cases Affecting ESL Education
Education Laws
• The parents of German-American students have signed up their kids to receive an hour of German language instruction for an hour after school.
What is Heritage
• Miguel has just come from El Salvador because of violence in his country. He has barely attended school and has no knowledge of the English language.
What is Newcomer
The United States has always been a ___________ and multicultural country.
What is Multilingual
This U.S. Supreme Court decision ended racial segregation in public schools.
What is Brown vs. Board of Education
Following the court’s decision of Lau vs. Nichols the US Dept. of Education’s Office of Civil Rights created the Lau Remedies to go after districts that were ignoring the needs of ELLs. The Lau remedies essentially required districts to implement bilingual education programs for ELLs. The essence of Lau was codified into federal law through what act?
What is EEOA
• The students are taught in their home language very little English instruction for a few years. It is also called the 90/10 Model
What is One Way Dual Language
• ELL student with any language background leave their classroom for about 30 minutes to work with certified professional that specializes in teaching language to ELLs.
What is Pull out program
This Department was created in 1980 to establish policy for, administer, and coordinate federal assistance to education.
What is Department of Education
The desegregation case for Mexican American students in California in 1946.
What is Westminster vs Mendez
The newest version of ESEA is named this _________. Signed by Obama Dec 10, 2015. States can now set their own goals of student proficiency. States still must test 3rd through 8TH graders on math and reading skills. States are not required to base principal or teacher evaluation on student’s test scores.
What is ESSA
• Often called late-exit program. It is for ELLs who are taught in their L1 and they are being taught by qualified bilingual teachers. Their goal is for students to be biliterate and bilingual.
What is Developmental Bilingual
• An ESL teacher goes into the classroom to work with the teacher and the ELL students.
What is Pull in or Push In
These bilingual education programs were seen more common in the Southwest during the 19th century.
What is Spanish Bilingual
This case mandated a three step process to develop quality bilingual education and enforced Lau Remedies.
What is Castañeda vs. Pickard
Before 1968 there were no federal educational language policies for ELLs. Often schools ignored the needs of language minority students placed in mainstream classes left to sink or swim. During President Lyndon B Johnson’s War on Poverty language minority students began to improve during the civil rights movement, Congress passed this act?
What is ESEA
• It is aimed for native English speakers. Native American students are taught their indigenous language starting with 90% of the instruction is in that indigenous language.
What is Bilingual Immersion
• ESL is presented by regular teacher. The student is not pulled out of class and does not miss anything.
What is In class ESL
This was the 1st method that was used for early student immigrants who didn’t understand the language.
What is Sink or Swim Submersion
Case brought against San Francisco USD by parents of Chinese students that were placed in mainstream classes despite their lack of proficiency in English.
What is Lau vs. Nichols
This Act provided grants to school districts and other eligible entities through a competitive grant process, after noticing a growing number minority students and a high dropout rate among Mexican American students.
What is Bilingual Education Act
• Often called early-exit program. 90% of content area is taught in the home language and 10% is taught through sheltered English instruction plus daily ESL instruction.
What is Transitional Bilingual
• It is typically a self-contained grade-level class where the teacher is trained and certified to provide language and content instruction. The teacher provides daily ESL instruction and even though all of the instruction is in English, the teacher also provides primary language support to make it more understandable.
What is Sheltered English Immersion
Involves teaching academic content in two languages, native and target.
What is Bilingual Education
This court ruling guarantees the rights of undocumented immigrants to free public education.
What is Plyler vs. Doe
This program for ELLs must meet two requirements English: • Teach as outlined in state English language proficiency standards • Teach academic content as outlined in state academic standards
What is NCLB Title III