Chegaradan noqonuniy tovarlar olib o'tish
jinoyatni tekshirish, o'rganib chiqish
Agar u tog'ga peshkom chiqishga borsa, u lagerda qoladi.
If he goes hiking, he will stay in a campsite.
Jinoyatchi politsiya tomonidan hibsga olinadi ertaga
Criminal will be arrested by the police tomorrow
kimgadir qarshi guvohliki berish
Name 6 characters from The woman who disappeared
Lenny Samuel, Elene Garfield, Helene Garfield, Jo, Benny Grip, Sergant Murphy
valyuta almashtirish
currency exchange
Agar yo'l sayohatiga chiqmoqchi bo'lsang, senga git kerak bo'ladi.
If you want to go to a road trip, you will need a guide.
jismoniy shikast yetkazish
the most interesting and intriguing part of reading
Give an example for type 3
Boy bo'lishga qaramasdan, u sut mahsulotlari iste'mol qiladi.
in spite of being rich, he consumes dairy products.
The pictures in books
give an example for type 1
Agar haddan tashqari ko'p bo'sh vaqtim bo'ganida, men uni stressdan qutulib o'tkazardim.
If i had too much free time, i would spend it getting rid of stress.
Agar darsga vaqtida borganimda, o'qtuvchi tomonidan jazolanilmagan bo'lardim.
If i had gone to the lesson on time, i wouldn't have been punished by the teacher.
Kimyoviy moddalar qo'shilgan ovqat inson sog'lig'i uchun zararli hisoblanadi.
Processed food is considered harmful for human health
Who is Mr Myer in the woman whom disappeared?
The boss of Elene Garfield?
ish joyidan pul o'g'irlash
Chodir kecha ertalabgacha git tomonidan o'rnatilib bo'lingan edi.
Tent had been set by the guide by morning yesterday
Agar kecha yo'qirnoma topib olganimda, uni do'stimga oborib bergan bo'lardim
If I had found a guidebook, i would have brought it to my friend
Agar men seni o'rningda bo'lganimda, qor tufayli uydan ko'chaga chiqmagan bo'lardim.
If i were you, i wouldn't go outside because of snow.
tamsiz ovqat ertaga soat 6 gacha oyim tomonidan tayyorlanib bo'linadi.
Mild food will have been prepared by by mother by 6 o'clock tomorrow.