Mtn Formation
Mtn Erosion
Mtn Landforms
Mtn Climate
Mtn Biodiversity

What is orogenesis?

This process involves the folding of rock layers due to tectonic forces, creating mountain ranges.


What is erosion?

This process involves the wearing away of rock and soil by water, wind, or ice.


What is a cirque?

This landform, often found at the top of mountains, is a bowl-shaped depression carved out by glacial erosion.


What is the lapse rate?

This term describes the change in temperature with elevation, typically resulting in cooler temperatures at higher elevations.


 What are extremophiles?

These species are adapted to survive in the extreme conditions of high-altitude mountain environments.


What are reverse faults?

These types of faults result from compressional forces and are commonly associated with mountain building.


What are joints?

These large cracks or fractures in rocks contribute to the erosion of mountains over time.


What are arĂȘtes?

These sharp, jagged ridges are formed by the erosion of glaciers on opposite sides of a mountain.


What are orographic precipitation?

These weather patterns occur on the windward side of mountains and are characterized by moist air rising and cooling, leading to precipitation.


What is biodiversity?

This term describes the variety of plant and animal species in a given mountain ecosystem.


What is a fold mountain?

This type of mountain forms when two tectonic plates collide, forcing layers of rock upward.


What is mass wasting?

This type of erosion occurs when rocks and sediments are carried downhill by gravity.


What is a gorge?

This landform is a steep-sided valley cut by a river or stream, often found in mountainous regions.


What is a rain shadow?

This phenomenon occurs when warm, dry air descends down the leeward side of a mountain, leading to dry conditions.


What are montane ecosystems?

These specialized ecosystems are found at high elevations and support unique plant and animal communities.


What is a volcanic mountain?

This type of mountain is formed by volcanic activity and is often characterized by steep slopes.


What is glacial abrasion?

Glaciers contribute to mountain erosion through this process of grinding and scouring the landscape.


What are horns?

These tall, narrow ridges are formed by the erosion of glaciers on both sides of a mountain.


 What are alpine tundra?

These cold, high-altitude ecosystems are characterized by low temperatures, short growing seasons, and sparse vegetation.


What is landscape-level conservation?

 This conservation strategy aims to protect large landscapes and entire ecosystems to preserve mountain biodiversity.


What is a fault-block mountain?

This type of mountain forms when large blocks of the Earth's crust are uplifted and tilted.


What is chemical weathering?

This erosional process involves the chemical breakdown of rocks, particularly in moist environments.


What is a tarn?

This type of landform is formed when a cirque glacier expands and erodes a mountain on all sides.


What is glacier flow?

This term describes the gradual movement of glaciers downslope due to gravity.


What are rheas?

These large, flightless birds are native to mountainous regions and are known for their thick plumage and strong legs.