Complex Sentences 1
Complex Sentences 2
Complex Sentences 3
Complex Sentences 4
Complex Sentences 5

Because Muhammad believed in himself, he was able to win the game.

What is the subordinating conjunction in

 this sentence?



Although Nina was chosen to be the class leader she had to train very hard.

Where does the comma belong in this sentence?

The comma belongs between the words leader and she. 


Izzy got all of her favorite candy when she went trick-or-treating.

What is the subordinating conjunction?



When Henry cleaned out his desk, he found his tickets.

What is the subordinating conjunction in this sentence?



Noa likes going to orchestra practice because she enjoys playing her favorite songs.

What is the subordinating conjunction in this sentence?



Maceo teamed up with Evan when the class got to pick partners.

What is the INDEPENDENT clause in this sentence?

Maceo teamed up with Evan.


Define an independent clause.

They are complete thoughts and complete sentences.


Natalia is very talented although she doesn't like to brag. 

What is the subordinating conjunction in this sentence?



David will join the chess tournament if he wants to play. 

What is the DEPENDENT clause in this sentence?

If he wants to play 


Define an dependent clause.

They are not complete thoughts and they are not complete sentences. They begin with a subordinating conjunction.


What is included in a complex sentence?

independent and dependent clause put together


Because Easton is good with technology, he was asked to help others.

What is the DEPENDENT clause in this sentence?

Because Easton is good with technology 


Jane is not planning to buy lunch although she likes Taco Tuesdays.

Is this sentence written correctly? Why or why not?

The sentence is correct. It does not need a comma because the independent clause comes first in the sentence. 


When Sara tried out for a part in the play, she was picked to play the lead.

What is the DEPENDENT clause in this sentence?

When Sara tried out for a part in the play


What is a subordinating conjunction?

It is a conjunction used in complex sentence to connect and independent and dependent clause. 


If I am writing a complex sentence and I structure it like this:

Dependent clause then the independent clause, do I need a comma?



Reese wanted to be in the concert because she learned how to play the flute.

What is the INDEPENDENT clause in this sentence?

Reese wanted to be in the concert 


Yohan left early because he had to go to Mrs. Beck's class.

Does this sentence need a comma? Why or why not?

This sentence does not need a comma because the independent clause comes first in the sentence. 


Because Charlotte's mom wrote a note, she was allowed to go on the class trip.

What is the INDEPENDENT clause in this sentence?

she was allowed to go on the class trip


If I am writing a complex sentence and I structure it like this:

Independent clause then the dependent clause, do I need a comma?



When Aria was training her dog, she used food as a reward.

What is the DEPENDENT clause in this sentence?

When Aria was training her dog 


After he caught the football, Carter got a chance to throw the ball.

What is the INDEPENDENT clause in this sentence?

Carter got a chance to throw the ball.


Although Mackenzie knows how to crochet, she decided to try knitting a scarf.

What is the INDEPENDENT clause in this sentence?

She decided to try knitting a scarf.


After Emma practiced everyday, she was able to do her best performance ever.

What is the DEPENDENT clause in this sentence?

After Emma practiced everyday


Why is it important to make sure we include the comma if we start a complex sentence with a subordinating conjunction?

Because it lets us know where the dependent clause ends and where the independent clause starts.