Domestic Violence
Please Tell

Name 2 types of abuse

Sexual, physical, verbal and emotional


True or false: Domestic violence is not common

False: Approximately 25% of women report some sort of physical or sexual assault by their partner in their lifetime


What are some reasons children don't tell about any type of abuse they go through?

Scared, don't want their parent to get in trouble, think it's ok, don't know its breaking the law, fear of being separated


What are some outcomes of being abused?

Lack of trust, low self-esteem, insecurity


What is physical abuse?

Hitting, kicking, punching, or anything that causes harm to someone's body


True or False: Children never get over witnessing domestic violence

False--With treatment, children may not forget what happened, but they can go on to have normal lives and healthy relationships


Share 2 good reasons 

a child would avoid 

telling about sexual abuse

He/she might worry about being believed or judged, might blame self for the abuse or for “not telling sooner”, might fear threats from the abuser, might worry about upsetting parents or others in family. Sometimes the kid “puts off telling” just like we procrastinate doing any yucky job.


What are two feelings that children who witness domestic violence may experience

Fear, sadness, guilt, shame, anger, depression, and anxiety

What is sexual abuse?

Any time an adult does a sexual activity with a child. Physical contact is not required for it to be considered sexual abuse.


What are causes for Domestic Violence?

Many things, including seeking power. Alcohol, drugs, stress and mental illness can go along with it. 


What are some reasons kids
don't tell about sexual abuse?

a) they feel scared

b) they feel embarrassed or ashamed
c) they are worried that others won’t believe them
d) all of the above

D--All of the above 



What are 2 views that are affected when children experience trauma?

What is the AMYGDALA? 

Trauma affects children's views of themselves, their caregivers and the world

fear response and emotion center of the brain 


What is complex trauma?

When a person experiences more than one type of trauma (this is the most common)


What is something that happens to the brain when a child has repeated exposure to DV?

Their brains learn to react very fast and scan the environment for danger--this leads to hypervigilance.


When kids aren’t believed 

when they first tell about sexual abuse, 

what impact does this have 

on the likelihood they will tell again?

Most choose never to tell again. This makes it extremely difficult for them to get the help they need and the abuse is likely to continue



True or False: Children often have mixed feelings about the person being violent

What happens to your prefrontal cortex when you are experiencing a trauma? 

True--especially if that person is a parent. Feelings can be confusion, anger, love, fear and respect

The prefrontal cortex "shuts off" and the amygdala and hippocampus react off of the trauma 


True or False: Most people can tell a person has been sexually abused and that is how it is found out.

False. Most people do not know when a child is being sexually abused. It is found out when the child/adult tells on accident or on purpose.



Share two reasons kids sometimes blame themselves for sexual abuse.

What does our prefrontal cortex do? 

Common worries kids have include: they feel guilty they didn’t stop the sexual abuse, because they didn’t tell or didn’t tell sooner, some of the ways the abuser touched them felt good or confusing to their bodies, they liked the attention or accepted the things the abuser gave them.

in charge of higher level thinking, judgment, reasoning, time management, attention, curbs inappropriate speech or behavior, integrates past experiences with current actions