Permitting / Utility
ION History
NEC (2020)

This code clarifies all required fire code pathways and placement and ratings required for solar panels.

What is the International Residential Code
(Also acceptable is any variation of the Residential Code)


This person knows very little about ION history

Who is Alex Smith


This article of the NEC is used for most all requirements directly related to Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Systems.

What is NEC 690


This command in AutoCAD allows you to select multiple vertices to adjust an object without shifting the existing vertices.

What is Stretch


These two individuals are well known for changing the course of human history by creating the first of these machines and promising their father, Milton, to never board this device together. This promise they only broke once while in the presence of their father Milton.

Who is Orville and Wilbur Wright


This process is widely accepted across multiple states and is one of the first attempts at standardizing the solar application process in US history.

What is SolarAPP


ION was officially formed in this year

What is 2013

What is the sub article reference for the following NEC requirement:
"...the sum of 125 percent of the power-source(s) output circuit current and the rating of the overcurrent device protecting the busbar shall not exceed 120 percent of the ampacity of the busbar."

What is NEC 705.12


This process involves a controversial method in pushing approval for a larger system size in Nevada.

What is a Home Energy Audit


There are over 7 billion billion billion of these in the human body.

What are atoms


This process involves the final step before a system is allowed to be initiated to backfeed into the local utility grid.

What is PTO or Permission to Operate


This individual currently employed at ION has historically worked at ION the longest

Who is Matt Rasmussen
(An acceptable answer is Jay Berneche)


This electrical law defines the relation between voltage, current, and resistance.

What is Ohms Law


The brand Challenger is the precursor to what current manufacturer?

What is Eaton or Cutler-Hammer


This force in nature is a popular theory for how atoms are held together.

What is the weak force or the weak atomic force.


In which year did the city of Los Angeles begin to accept and store blueprints for buildings smaller than 3 stories?

What is +/-1970


This company was acquired by ION between 2015 and 2019.

What is Action Solar


This NEC article, a recent addition to the recognized electrical codes, requires a barrier to placed between active connections on the line side of a disconnect to avoid accidental contact during routine maintenance and service.

What is NEC 230.62


This size wire is commonly used when connecting microinverters in a chain.

What is 12 AWG TC-ER wire or 12 AWG wire


This word is used to describe the difference between synchronous and asynchronous movement in a motor.

What is slipping or slippage


This type of photovoltaic system is uncommon in residential practice but involves creating two identical arrays that have two DC voltages that are symmetric relative to the ground.

What is a Bipolar Solar Array


This formula is used more often than any other in the design tool (Excel).

What is VLookUp()

This force is used to describe the apparent force that acts outward on an object moving around a center 

What is centrifugal force