Corporate Compliance Plan
The Compliance Plan consists of how many program elements? A. 10, B. 6, C. 7, D. 9
What is 7 program elements.
What does FCA stand for: A. Fraud Claims Act, B. False Counters Act, C. Facebook Claims Act, D. False Claims Act
What is D: False Claims Act.
What does HIPAA stand for? A. Health Insurance Accountable Act B. Health Information Probability Act C. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act D. Health Information Accountable Act
What is C: Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
Documentation is important because it is the only evidence that we have provided: A. Appropriate Services, B. Medically Necessary Services, C. In Good Faith, D. A and C
What is B: Medically Necessary Services
HITECH was enacted to broaden the scope and impact of existing security and privacy requirements for what act? A. American Disability Act (ADA), B. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), C. American Recovery & Reinvestment Act (ARRA), D. Affordable Care Act (ACA)
What is B: HIPAA
The Corporate Compliance Plan represents the processes to monitor and maintain a culture of
What is compliance
Which U.S. President was this law named after? A. Washington, B. Kennedy, C. Lincoln, E. Roosevelt
What is C: known as the Lincoln Law.
What does HIPAA protect? A. Employee, B. CEO, C. Client's PHI, D. Agency
What is C: Client's PHI
In order to bill, documentation must be: A. Accurate B. Current C. Accurate, Complete, and Current, D. A and B
What is C: Accurate, Complete, and Current
True/False: Criminal penalties may be imposed against employees of covered entities who violate HIPAA/HITECH.
What is True: Effective February 2009 HITECH clarifies that criminal penalties may be imposed against employees of covered entities who violate HIPAA/HITECH.
The following are considered a violation of the Code of Conduct: A. Failure to report suspected improper activity, B. Participating in non-complaint behavior C. Encourage, direct, facilitate, or permit non-compliant behavior or the attempt to prevent the reporting of such activity, D. All of the above
What is D: All of the above.
What insurance is associated with False Claims Act? A. Medicare B. Medicaid C. Blue Cross Blue Shield D. Kaiser Permanente
What is Medicaid.
Charts and other documentation that is part of a chart should be stored where overnight? A. Employee's office, B. In a locked desk, C. PHI office, D. Compliance office
What is C: PHI office
What is concurrent documentation?
What is progress notes completed during the session.
Notification must be made to the Secretary of HHS and prominent media outlets in the jurisdiction in which the affected individuals reside if a breach affects more than how many clients? A. 250 B. 300 C. 400 D. 500
What is D. 500
Employees are allowed to use what channel of communication channel to report issues: A. Supervisor B. Compliance Officer C. Human Resources D. A and B E. All of the above
What is E: All of the above.
Deficit Reduction Act (DRA) focuses on eliminating: A. Fraud, B. Fraud and Waste C. Fraud, Abuse, and Waste D. Abuse
What is C: Fraud, Abuse, and Waste
HIPAA requires client's charts be kept behind how many locked doors? A. 0 B. 1 C. 2 D. 3
What is: C, 2
Expectations of documentation includes: A. Tells a complete story, B. Evidence of medical necessity, C. Adequate content for time billed, D. A and B, E. All of the above
What is E: all of the above.
Maintaining a formal agreement with other agencies who have access to PHI is what type of agreement? A. Business Agreement B. Business Associate Privacy and Security Agreement. C. Confidentiality Agreement, D. Privacy Agreement
What is B: Business Associate Privacy and Security Agreement
Name one program element of the Corporate Compliance Plan.
What is Oversight, Conduct Standard and Procedures, Education and Training, Auditing and Monitoring, Reporting, Enforcement and Discipline, Response and Prevention.
What is an example of fraud and abuse? A. Purposely billing for services that were never given, B. Phantom billing: billing for services that never occurred, this includes billing Medicaid clients that “no show”. C. Billing for a service that has a higher reimbursement than the service provided or at the incorrect reimbursement level, D. A and C, E. All of the above
What is E: All of the above.
This act significantly modifies HIPAA and gives client’s rights access and control their Protected Health Information (PHI). A. HITECH, Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health. B. ARRA, American Recovery & Reinvestment Act C. FCA, False Claims Act D. ACA, Affordable Care Act
What is B: ARRA, American Recovery & Reinvestment Act
For documentation purposes progress notes must link to what?
What is the treatment plan
The biggest potential breach areas are: A. Lap top B. Notes outside of Profiler C. Cell phones D. All of the above
What is D: All of the above.