Tax Credit
HUD Regulations

A posting and letter that has the ability to evict or EOP a resident/participant.

What is a lease violation?


Who's assets are counted? For HUD, TX, RD

Entire household, including minors


What is the required monthly dollar amount of increased income on a HUD property to cause an interim certification to take place?



How many days after Move in must EIV be ran

90 days


Who is allowed to make payments on a pet deposit?

Residents at HUD Property.


When are you required to have a file completed for recertification?

At a minimum 30 days in advance of the lease expiring.


Do you use average income for Tax Credit?

No, you must use the higher.

Example: 35-40 hours per week
You would use 40 hours


What is the time frame for a vacancy claim to be submitted?

HUD-Vacancy claim must be submitted within 180 days from the moveout date


What report must be ran prior to moving someone in

Existing tenant search


What is the first thing you do when you get an application?

Date and time stamp it.


The amount of days required to send out the first recert letters: 

HUD, Tax Credit, RD and Market Rate

HUD: 120 days in advance, 

Tax Credit: 120 days in advance, 

RD: 90 days in advance, 

Market: 75 days in advance.


Will a household that consists entirely of full time students be eligible?

They could if they meet one of the exceptions


Explain what a vacancy claim is.

Reimbursing for a vacant unit from HUD as long as the unit is market ready in a timely manner. HUD will give us up to 60 days rent at 50% of the rent amount.


When running your 90 day EIV, what is the next step

Make sure you enter Date EIV verified in Yardi


What form is required for individuals to request modification based off of life-mitigating disabilities?

Request for Reasonable Accommodation Form


This person is responsible for all Quality Control Inspections

Who is the HCV Manager?


If in a LIHTC combined with HOME, what income/rent limits do you use?

The most restrictive.


For HUD/RD if head/cohead or disabled/elderly whose medical expenses can be counted?

 Entire households.


What 4 reports must be ran monthly

Multiple Subsidy
Identity Verification
Deceased Tenant
New Hires


First person contacted in case of an emergency regarding one of our properties.

Who is Marc Mansholt?


The act of withholding HAP from a landlord due to a failed inspection

What is an Abatement?


What % of income can you not exceed when doing a recert in a tax credit unit? If the property has market rate units, what is the next step if a tax credit unit exceeds the limit.

140%. The tax credit unit going over must go on a month to month or vacate the unit or move to a market rate.


At a HUD/RD property, what is the minimum number of applicants that can get on a waiting list or apply for a RD or HUD 2 bedroom apartment and a 3 bedroom apartment? 

Must be at least 2 for a 2 bdrm or 3 for a 3 bdrm, unless a reasonable accommodation has been verified and approved


If findings on monthly reports, how many days do you have to investigate and finalize

30 Days from date you ran the reports


What is the effective date for an interim for a decrease in income? If an increase in their income?

HUD-they tell you on 15th of month

RD-they tell you on the 2nd of the month

HUD-if income is going down, the effective date is the 1st of the next month.  When income goes up, you have to give 30 day notice once the interim is complete

RD-they do not have Interims, the date becomes a new AR date, which would be the 1st of the next month. When income goes up, you have to give 30 day notice once the interim is complete