Avoiding Logical Fallacies
In-Text Citations
Rhetorical Situation
Writing Dos and Don'ts
Writing Resources

This logical fallacy attacks the character of a person rather than the argument at hand.

What is the ad hominem logical fallacy?


This is the order of information in which your header occurs on the left side of a document.

What is your name, Professor Seese's name, ENG 112, and the date?


The is the type of rhetorical situation where you use sound, logical reasoning in your arguments.

What is logos?


This is the name of the act of stealing other people's ideas or thoughts without citing them properly.

What is plagiarism? 


This is the place to go to on campus if you need help with your essay.

What is the Learning Commons?


This logical fallacy occurs when data is misinterpreted or manipulated for a particular bias.

What is the misuse of statistics logical fallacy?


These are the elements to include when introducing a source for the first time.

What are the author(s), their affiliation(s), and the title of the work?


This is the type of rhetorical situation where emotional manipulation (either positive or negative) is used to bring out an emotional reaction of a reader.

What is pathos?


This is the name of a popular AI program that thinks it can write great composition essays for you. (Do NOT do this. Or I will be sad.)

What is ChatGPT?


This is the website to go to that demonstrates how to cite (in detail) different source types. This website also covers other citation styles too in-depth.

What is Purdue OWL?


This logical fallacy occurs when someone presents two very extreme options as the only viable options to solve a problem.

What is the either/or logical fallacy?


This is the type of quote that needs to stand on its own when it is five or more lines long.

What is a block quote?


This is the type of rhetorical situation where people put the beliefs of their practices into action.

What is ethos?


This is the type of essay you will be composing for this unit.

What is the Shorter Argument Synthesis (SAS) essay?


This is the website where you can put your citations through a generator to make sure they look polished. (It is an ad free website.)

What is ZoteroBib?


This logical fallacy occurs when a conclusion does not follow realistically/logically from its source.

What is the non-sequitur logical fallacy?


This is what to include in the parenthetical citation when there are no specific page numbers in a source.

What is the title/keywords of the title of the source?


This is the type of rhetorical situation where the surrounding climate influences an argument from someone.

What is kairos?


This is the way you need to submit your final drafts of your essay to me.

What is a shared Google Doc link and a Microsoft Word file?


This is an online library database that includes an overview of different academic disciplines?

What is Academic Search Complete? (Or what is EBSCOhost?)


This logical fallacy occurs when one purposefully chooses a certain data set in order to make a biased argument.

What is the cherry picking/Texas sharpshooter logical fallacy?


This is the phrase in which indicates that there are three or more authors who worked on a source together.

What is "et al.?"


This is the type of rhetorical situation where there is a stalemate of opinion in a debate.

What is stasis? 


This is the due date of the Smaller Argument Synthesis (SAS) essay.

What is April 12th by 5:00 P.M.?


This is a library service that you can borrow a book from a different college/university library within the state if our library does not have the book you need.

What is OhioLINK?