He will cut my hair
What is a denotation?
Dictionary, literal meaning of words
A blessing in disguise
a good thing that seemed bad at first
who will can also be written as
In a website browser address bar, what does “www” stand for?
World wide web
Two words in each sentence form a compound:
Six waiters served forty people
What is a connotation?
Common associations that people make with words (positive or negative)
He's a chip off the old block
The son is like the father
Who shouldn't have and who couldn't have?
Name the contracted words and break them down
Shouldn't = should not
Couldn't = Could not
What is the tallest breed of dog in the world?
The Great Dane
Two words in each sentence form a compound:
A storm could wreck the ship.
Provide the connotation and denotation of each word
Word: Gray
Denotation-Color of any shade between the colors of black and white
Connotation-Negative, Gloom, Sadness, Old Age
Take it with a grain of salt
Don’t take it too seriously
The contraction of Must not
Who painted this and what is the painting name ?
Starry night by Vincent Van Gogh
Two words in each sentence form a compound:
Sit down and count to ten.
What is a countdown
Give a negative and positive connotation word for
+ relaxed
- lazy
The best thing since sliced bread
A really good invention
Name 4 contractions that start with w.
What does BMW stand for?
Bavarian Motor Works
Two words in each sentence form a compound:
Snow will drift in the wind.
What is a snow drift
Give a negative and positive connotation word for
+ inquisitive
- nosy
Don't beat a dead horse
Move on, this subject is over
Name 3 contractions that start with y and identify what words were originally contracted
Was the Statue of Liberty given to the US? If so by which country?
Yes, France