Main Idea

Manuel wanted to take his motorcycle out for a ride. He grabbed his helmet. He tried to kick start the bike. It wouldn’t start. He tried again and again, but nothing happened. Then, he thought of his friend Juan. He would ask Juan to come over and take a look at the bike.

Which of the statements is probably true?

A. Manuel’s motorcycle will never get fixed

B. Juan knows how to fix motorcycles

C.  Juan was not a very good friend

B. Juan knows how to fix motorcycles


Have you ever thought of being a dog walker? Some dogs have to stay inside all day. Dog walkers take these dogs out for a walk once or twice a day. Some days, they take only one Dog. Other days, they take a whole group. What a fun job to have! 

The story mainly tells

A. What kind of games dogs like to play.

B. About what dog walkers do.

C. How to walk your dog.

B. About what dog walkers do.


Amber ran her fingers through her hair. The baby had been crying for an hour. Amber had burped him. She had changed his diaper. She had played with him. Nothing worked. Then, amber got an idea. She got out some milk. The baby’s eyes lit up when he saw it. 

What did Amber do before she changed the baby’s diaper? 

A. Burped him 

B. Played with him 

C. Got an idea 

A. Burped him


None of the furniture in Lane’s bedroom matched. The bed had chipped blue paint. The dresser was a dull brown. The chair was a dirty white. Then, Lane painted all of the furniture a bright yellow. What a difference! It looked like new. Now, the bedroom looked beautiful. 

From the story, you can tell that

A.Yellow is not a good color. 

B. The bedroom will never be nice.

C. Paint can make something look better. 

C. Paint can make something look better.


Zebras live in Africa. They are members of the horse family. They are white with black or dark brown stripes all over their bodies. Zebras live and travel in small family groups called brands. It is hard to tame or train them. They like to run free. They are ______ animals.

The word that best completes the sentence

A. Tame

B. Wild

C. Small

B. Wild


Susie looked under the beds. She looked in the closets. Then she went outside. She started calling for Benny. There was no sign of him. Susie sat on the front porch and began to cry. She couldn’t find her cat anywhere. Then, she heard a soft meow. There was Benny looking right at her. 

Which of these statements is probably true? 

A. Benny didn’t like Susie.

B. Benny was not Susie‘s cat. 

C. Susie was sad her cat might be lost.

C. Susie was sad her cat might be lost.


Wendy and her dad are going fishing. She wanted to catch a big fish. They arrived at the lake and unloaded the car. They took the fishing poles down to the boat. The boat was tied up at the dock. “Don’t forget the worms,” said her dad. It was going to be a great day!

The story mainly tells

A. About going fishing.

B. About catching a fish.

C. About a boat on a lake.

A. About going fishing.


The thunderstorm came out of nowhere. A bolt of lightning hit a tree. It burst into flames! Firefighters rushed to put out the fire. They sprayed the tree with a big hose. Then, it started to rain. The fire was soon out, but the storm continued. Would there be another fire? 

What happened after the firefighters sprayed the tree? 

A. It started to rain.

B. The tree burst into flames.

C. There was thunder and lighting. 

A. It started to rain.


Randy took a trip to Japan. He ate new kinds of foods. He heard new kinds of music. He met new people. Randy had a lot of adventures. When he came back he had lots of stories to tell. His friends liked to hear his stories. The stories made them laugh.

From the story, you can tell that

A. Randy’s stories were funny. 

B. Randy did not like Japan.

C. Randy’s friends had never been to Japan. 

A. Randy’s stories were funny.


A desert can be very hot or very cold. It is a place that gets very little ______. In America, the deserts are hot. Only certain types of plants, like cactus, can grow there. These plants must store water. They have to live for a long time without rain.

The word that best completes the sentence is

A. Sun

B. Rain

C. Wind

B. Rain


The car was 12 years old. Some of it’s paint was chipped away. One day, it started making a loud clicking noise. The car was taken to the auto shop. A mechanic worked on it for six hours. When he was done, the car was still making a loud clicking noise. The mechanic shook his head. 

Which of these statements is probably true?

A. The mechanic stopped for lunch. 

B. The auto shop was closed

C. The car should not be fixed.

C. The car should not be fixed.


Jeff stood looking at his messy bedroom. All his clothes were in a big pile. Video games were lying all over the floor. His desk is piled high with school stuff. Jeff took a step inside and tripped over his baseball bat. It really is time to clean, he thought. 

The story mainly tells

A. About a boy’s messy room.

B. How to tell if clothes are clean or dirty.

C. How a boy cleaned his room.

A. About a boy’s messy room.


Ice cream taste testers look for special things in ice cream. They cut cartons of ice cream in half from top to bottom. Then, they look at the ice cream. They make sure that the ice cream and fillings are mixed well. If it is, they keep it. If not, they throw it away

What do ice cream taste testers do first? 

A. Look at the ice cream.

B. Cut cartons of ice cream in half from top to bottom.

C. Take a spoonful of ice cream

B. Cut cartons of ice cream in half from top to bottom.


Patty checked her bag one last time. She had her toothbrush. Her pajamas were at the bottom of the bag. Under them were clothes for the next day. As her mom drove to Kim's house, Patty thought of all the fun things she would do that night. 

From the story, you can tell that

A. Patty is going camping.

B. Patty and Kim are not good friends. 

C. Patty is going to sleep over at Kim’s house. 

C. Patty is going to sleep over at Kim’s house.


Alex and Mia ran through the living room shouting at the top of their lungs. They screeched to a ______ when they saw dad lying on the couch. They stood looking at him. His eyes were shut. His mouth was wide open. Funny sounds were coming out of it. He was asleep!

The word that best completes the sentence is

A. Stop

B. Run

C. Walk

A. Stop


The new girl was sitting alone in the lunchroom. No one was talking to her. She looked a little sad. Bri went over to sit by her. She started to talk to the girl. Then, Bri invited the new girl to her house after school. The new girl began to smile. You could tell she was starting to feel better. Which of these statements is probably true? 

A. The new girl had lots of friends

B. Bri wanted to make friends with the new girl.

C. The new girl did not want to go to Bri‘s house.

B. Bri wanted to make friends with the new girl.


Ben laid in bed and thought about his day. His Boy Scout troop had made a chicken dinner at a soup kitchen. When the hungry people came, the boys had served them. Ben will never forget the smiles the people gave him. It made him feel good to help others. 

The story mainly tells 

A. how to become a Boy Scout.

B. how to make a chicken dinner.

C. about helping out at a soup kitchen.

C. about helping out at a soup kitchen.


Jill had a pen pal in China. She wrote to her every week. She used a special pen to write her letter. She wrote about school, friends, and her hobbies. She took the letter to the post office to mail it. Then, she waited to hear back from her pen pal.

What happened after Jill took the letter to the post office?

A. She wrote about school.

B. She wrote a letter.

C. She waited for her pen pal’s letter.

C. She waited for her pen pal’s letter.


Rose and her mom were done shopping at the mall. They walked all around the parking garage looking for their car. Rose’s mom was starting to worry. She couldn’t find the car. She didn’t see it anywhere. Then suddenly, she saw it. A large red van had parked in front of it!

From the story, you can tell that

A. A large van had hidden the car.

B. You should never park at the mall. 

C. The car had been stolen. 

A. A large van had hidden the car.


 A tiger’s stripes have two jobs. First, they help tigers hide. The stripes bend with tall blades of grass. That way, other animals cannot ______ the tigers. They also help tell tigers apart. A tiger’s stripes are in a pattern. No two tigers have The same pattern.

The word that best completes the sentence is

A. See

B. Join

C. Play

A. See


Jody wheeled the cart out to the car. She put the bags in the trunk. She drove home. She brought the bags into the house. She put the canned goods into the cupboard. The milk, butter, and eggs went into the refrigerator. All of the bags were empty. Now, she could make dinner. Which of these statements is probably true?

A. Jody will not make dinner.

B. Jody had to go to work.

C. Jody went grocery shopping.

C. Jody went grocery shopping.


Before you eat something new, do you take a small taste of it with the tips of your tongue? Flies use their feet to do this. Flies have hundreds of tiny hairs on their feet. These hairs help flies taste food. If the food tastes bad, a fly just doesn’t eat it.

The story mainly tells

A. How you taste a new food 

B. How a fly tastes food. 

C. What a fly does if food tastes bad.

B. How a fly tastes food. 


Shana threw herself onto the ground. Coach was working them hard today. He had made them run 2 miles for warm-up. This was after they had lifted weights for an hour. Now, they were going to run sprints. Shana didn’t know if she could do it. Her legs felt like Jell-O!

What did the team do before they ran 2 miles?

A. Lifted weights

B. Ran sprints

C. Stretched

A. Lifted weights


It was a beautiful spring day. Missy couldn’t wait to get outside. She packed up her art supplies. She went out to the backyard. Missy set up her easel. She took out her paints and brushes. She felt very happy as she began to paint some flowers. 

From the story, you can tell that

A. Missy does not like flowers.

B. Painting outdoors is hard.

C. Missy likes to paint outdoors. 

C. Missy likes to paint outdoors.


Do you get enough sleep? Are you tired in the morning? Most kids need at least nine hours of ______ each night. Without enough sleep, you may not do well during the day. Just sleeping for one extra hour can really help. So get to bed a little earlier, you will feel much better.

The word that best completes the sentence is

A. Talking

B. Sleeping 


B. Sleeping