Context Clues
Text Structure

Jeff filled up a big bowl with fresh, cold water and set it on the floor. He brought out a big comforter and put it on the floor next to the low window. He opened a package, took out a big bone and placed it on the floor next to the comforter. Then he opened the window so that the gentle breeze could blow into the room. 

What was Jeff doing? 

preparing for a dog to be there


What does the word altered mean in the sentence below?

Grandpa didn’t know that Suzie was coming along on the fishing trip, and now he had to alter his plans.

A. Change    B. Keep the same

A. Change


When it comes to making ice-cream, you can do it the traditional way, by stirring it in a frozen container, or you can use liquid nitrogen to freeze your mixture.  There are some advantages to using liquid nitrogen.  Since liquid nitrogen freezes the mixture faster, the crystal grains are smaller, giving the ice-cream a creamier texture.  The downside is that ice-crystals grow faster in ice-cream prepared using liquid nitrogen, so it must be stored at much colder temperatures.  Both methods produce a distinct texture, and both are delicious.

 a.  problem and solution  b.spatial / descriptive  

C.   compare and contrast  D.  cause and effect

C. Compare and Contrast


April Rain Song 

Let the rain kiss you. Let the rain beat upon your head with silver liquid drops. Let the rain sing you a lullaby. 5 The rain makes still pools on the sidewalk. The rain makes running pools in the gutter. The rain plays a little sleep-song on our roof at night— And I love the rain.  

—Langston Hughes

In “April Rain Song,” the poet shows the rain as both A. gentle and strong. B. lips and head. C. silver and gold. D. drops and sheets.

A. gentle and strong


Justin grabbed the leash and quickly put it around Tooli’s neck. He stormed out the door with Tooli coming right behind. He said, “Hurry up, Tooli. You’re always so slow.” Justin kept his head down and walked quickly down the road, not speaking to anyone that he saw. 

How does Jeff probably feel? 

Mad or angry


What does the word morsel mean in the sentence below?

The dogs were so hungry that they ate every single morsel of meat.

A. small pieces   B. large pieces

A. small pieces


Cooking the perfect pizza at home can be quite a challenge.  You may find that it’s difficult to get your oven to the right temperature.  If the oven is too hot the crust will burn, become hard, and taste bad.  If your oven isn’t hot enough, the crust may get soggy.  Even at the perfect temperature, extra moisture from your ingredients may prevent the bottom of the crust from fully cooking, but don’t let oven temperature stop you from building the pizza of your dreams.  Get yourself a pizza stone.  A pizza stone will get very hot when preheated and will allow your crust to fully cook without burning it.  Then you can pile the ingredients on your pizza and have a crispy crust that isn’t burned.  That’s the way to go.  

In what way is this text mainly structured?

Problem and Solution


My elbow is bent, my spine isn’t straight,
My temperature is one-o-eight.
My brain is shrunk, I cannot hear,
There is a hole inside my ear.
I have a hangnail, and my heart is – what?
What’s that? What’s that you say?
You say today is…Saturday?
G’bye, I’m going out to play!”

After reading the last stanza, the reader can conclude -    (Inference / Draw Conclusions)

A.   The speaker does not feel well and needs medicine.

B.  The speaker was pretending to be sick in order to miss a day of school.

c. The speaker is happy to miss a day of school.

D.  The speaker is starting to feel sick and has to miss school.



Lisa carefully examined the bug sitting on the leaf. She noticed that it had six legs and a hard shell. Lisa had never seen a bug like this before. She grabbed her magnifying glass and camera. 

What is the MOST LIKELY conclusion you can draw about Lisa? A. She is helpful. B. She is afraid of bugs. C. She is very curious. D. She likes to play soccer.

C. She is very curious.


My friend and I will PART company after dinner. I won't see him until he returns from vacation. What does the word part mean in this sentence?

  1. separate
  2. actor's role in a play
  3. a line where hair is combed in different directions
  4. piece

1. separate


Jimmy’s pizzeria is my favorite pizza place in the city, but you wouldn’t be able to tell that just by looking at the outside.  It is an inconspicuous brown brick building.   It doesn’t even have a sign, just the name of the establishment in three-inch letters on the storefront window.  The inside isn’t much to speak of either.  There are some chrome swivel stools along a laminate countertop that makes an L shape, separating the register and kitchen area from the dining area.  Booth seating lines the eating area of the restaurant area and a few favorable reviews from local publications are framed and displayed on the walls.  Yeah, the aesthetics of the place are a little underwhelming, but forget the scenery.  I go to Jimmy’s for the pizza. 

In what way is this text mainly structured?



6 I’m going blind in my right eye.
7 My tonsils are as big as rocks,
8 I’ve counted sixteen chicken pox

Read line 7.  This is an example of -    (Inference - Sequence)

(A)  Metaphor                                             

(B)   Alliteration
(C)   Onomatopoeia                                

(D)   Simile

D. Simile


Lauren looked at her watch, grabbed her books and ran to the bus stop. When she got to the bus stop, she realized she forgot her lunch. Lauren ran back to the house and grabbed her lunchbox. When Lauren got back to the bus stop, she realized she missed the bus. 

What word would best describes Lauren? 

A. playful B. disorganized C. worried D. athletic

B. Disorganzied


When it came to jumping rope, Jenny excelled; she was very talented at sports.

What does EXCELLED mean?

  1. she did well
  2. she was sloppy
  3. she made progress
  4. she was not talented

1. She did very well.


Tornados and Hurricanes Cause and Effect Problem and Solution Compare and Contrast Hurricanes and tornados are both amazing yet deadly natural phenomena.  Both generate deadly conditions, but in different ways.  Tornados are likely to damage people and property with their high winds, which go up to 300 miles per hour, but hurricanes are generally more feared for their flooding.  Also, hurricanes can produce tornados, which makes them quite dangerous indeed.

What text structured is used?

Compare and Contrast


"Hope" is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul
And sings the tune without the words
And never stops at all

What type of figurative Language is used in this stanza?

A. Simile  B. Personification  C. Hyperbole

B. Personification