A student's awareness of what they understand, identifying what they do not understand, and using appropriate strategies.
What is comprehension monitoring?
"Right There", "Think and Search", "Author and You", and "On Your Own" are the categories belonging to this comprehension strategy.
What is the four questions associated with the Question-Answer Relationship strategy? (QAR)
Books and stories at this level can be read and understood by the child w/o assistance from the teacher. Reads 98% of the words correctly and scores 90% on comprehension.
What is independent reading level?
The most important factor affecting a student’s level of reading comprehension.
What is the amount of reading the student has done?
The ability of a reader to interpret what they have read.
What is inferential comprehension?
This comprehension strategy encourages identifying or generating main ideas, connecting the main or central ideas,
eliminating unnecessary information, and increasing retention.
What is summarizing?
Material at this level can be read and understood by the student with help from the teacher. Reads 90% of the words correctly and scores 60% on comprehension.
What is instructional reading level?
A key predictor of students' comprehension of a selection.
What is background knowledge/prior knowledge?
The ability of the reader to make judgments about what they have read.
What is evaluative comprehension?
Provides students with an overview of what they will read, usually for an entire chapter in a textbook, also known as structured overviews.
What are graphic organizers?
Books and materials at this level can't be read and understood by the child, even with help. Reads less than 90% of the words and less than 60% comprehension.
What is frustration reading level?
Character, plot, setting, mood, theme, and style are important in the instruction of this.
What is literary elements?
The process of studying or examining a story.
What is literary analysis?
Fast reading of a text, usually for purposes of preview or review.
What is skimming?
Used to assess students' mastery of all levels of comprehension skills—literal, inferential, and evaluative.
What is question-answer relationships (QARs)?
Cause and effect, problem and solution, comparison/contrast, sequence, and description are all types of this.
What is text structures?
Charts that help student activate, think about, and organize their prior knowledge.
What are KWL (know, wonder/want to know, learned) charts?
Rapid reading to find specific information.
What is scanning?
Reveals which students already know how to classify questions, verify answers, and read strategically.
What is entry-level assessment?
Reading requires the reader to perform these two main tasks.
What are decoding words and understanding the meaning of the text?