
Which of the following symptoms is seen in adrenal insufficiency?

A. Polyuria

B. Darkened, bronzed hyperpigmentation of skin

C. Weight gain

D. Increased pubic and axillary hair

B. Darkened, bronzed hyperpigmentation of skin


Which is the best position for the nurse to place a patient with increased intracranial pressure (ICP)?

A. Flat

B. Semi-Fowler's with the neck in a neutral position

C. Side-lying with the neck flexed

D. Prone

B. Semi-Fowler's with the neck in a neutral position


The nurse monitors for which assessment data in the patient diagnosed with a Staphylococcus skin infection?

A. Serosanguinous drainage

B. Creamy, yellow pus drainage

C. Greenish-blue drainage with a fruity odor

D. Beige-colored pus drainage with a fishy odor

B. Creamy, yellow pus drainage


Which statement by the patient receiving prednisone for muscular dystrophy (MD) indicates the need for further teaching?

A. “This medication may increase my appetite.”

B. “This medication will decrease the loss of muscle mass.”

C. “This medication will permanently stop the progression of my MD.”

D. “This medication works by decreasing inflammation.”

C. “This medication will permanently stop the progression of my MD.”


Inflammatory bowel disease is a term usually used to describe:

A. Ulcerative colitis and irritable bowel syndrome

B. C. difficile colitis and Crohn's disease

C. Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis

D. Inflammatory colitis and ileitis

C. Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis


A 34-year-old woman presents to the clinic reporting extreme weight loss, fatigue, heat intolerance, and hair loss. On exam, the nurse notes that she is tachycardic with increased heart sounds. The nurse anticipates that this patient will likely be worked up for:

A. Hypothyroidism

B. Hyperthyroidism

C. Addison’s disease

D. Cushing’s disease

B. Hyperthyroidism


Which of the following conditions is least likely to contribute to an increased risk of ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke?

A. Hyperlipidemia

B. Diabetes mellitus

C. Crohn's disease

D. Hypertension

C. Crohn's disease


Which statement by the patient newly diagnosed with psoriasis indicates the need for further teaching?

A. “I will contact my provider if I develop redness or any skin drainage.”

B. “I will be sure to wear long sleeves because my condition is contagious.”

C. “I will limit my time outdoors because of my current medication regimen.”

D. “I will wash my hands before and after applying the topical medication.”

B. “I will be sure to wear long sleeves because my condition is contagious.”


A patient is found to have osteomyelitis, undergoes surgical debridement, and is started on intravenous antibiotics. What length of therapy should the nurse anticipate?

A. 7 days or less

B. 10 days

C. 2 weeks

D. 4 weeks or more

D. 4 weeks or more


When providing dietary counseling for the parents of a child diagnosed with celiac disease, the nurse should include which of the following information in the teaching plan?

A. "Instead of bread, you may serve pasta products."

B. "Wheat, corn, and rice should be avoided."

C. "Cereal is a great breakfast choice."

D. "Be sure to read all food labels carefully."

D. "Be sure to read all food labels carefully."


The nurse incorporates which information into the patient teaching for a patient with hypopituitarism?

A. “Avoid extremes in temperature.”

B. “Minimize your exposure to people with infections.”

C. “Increase foods containing high amounts of calcium.”

D. “Increase rest periods throughout the day.”

C. “Increase foods containing high amounts of calcium.”


The nurse monitors for which clinical manifestation in the patient diagnosed with trigeminal neuralgia?

A. Acute onset of pain

B. Impaired swallowing

C. Visual disturbances

D. Impaired extraocular movements

A. Acute onset of pain


The nurse is preparing an educational tool to teach high school students about skin cancer and highlights which finding as the most common precancerous lesion?

A. Basal cell

B. Melanoma

C. Squamous cell

D. Actinic keratoses

D. Actinic keratoses


The nurse correlates which mechanism as the likely cause of a low-energy fracture in a 65-year-old patient?

A. A fall

B. Golfing

C. Bicycle accident

D. Motor vehicle collision

A. A fall


Which statement by the patient diagnosed with gastritis indicates the need for further teaching?

A. "I will eat bland, nonspicy foods"

B. "I will eat smaller, more frequent meals."

C. "I will take aspirin for headaches"

D. "I will take an antacid if my symptoms continue"

C. "I will take aspirin for headaches"


The nurse cares for a patient with diabetes insipidus (DI). Which finding is most concerning?

A. Temperature of 101.8°F (38.8°C)

B. Blood glucose of 99 mg/dL

C. Blood pressure of 95/57 mm Hg

D. Sodium level of 147 mEq/L

C. Blood pressure of 95/57 mm Hg


A patient returns to the community clinic after being diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. What should the nurse expect to see documented in the patient’s medical record to support this diagnosis?

A. Rigidity with ambulation

B. Unremarkable electroencephalogram

C. Results of the basic metabolic panel and complete blood count (CBC)

D. The integrity of cerebral vessels after a cerebral angiogram

A. Rigidity with ambulation


The provider is communicating a plan of care with the nurse regarding wound closure. The provider tells the nurse that a patient's wound is too contaminated to close, so the wound is to be kept clean and observed for 4-6 days before suturing. What type of wound closure is the provider describing?

A. Primary

B. Secondary

C. Tertiary

D. Quarternary

C. Tertiary


The nurse monitors for which clinical manifestation in the patient with suspected carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS)?

A. Reduced radial pulses

B. Fingers cool to touch

C. Capillary refill 3 seconds

D. Hand tingling during the night

D. Hand tingling during the night


Which of the following best describes colonic diverticulosis?

A. Bulging pockets in the intestinal wall

B. Poorly contracting intestinal walls

C. Strictures of the intestinal lumen

D. Flaccidity of the small intestine

A. Bulging pockets in the intestinal wall


Which of the following characteristics applies to type 1 diabetes mellitus?

A. Significant hyperglycemia and ketoacidosis result from a lack of insulin

B. This condition is commonly diagnosed on routine examination or workup for other health problems

C. Initial response to non-insulin therapies is usually favorable

D. Insulin resistance is a significant part of the disease

A. Significant hyperglycemia and ketoacidosis result from a lack of insulin


A female client has clear fluid leaking from the nose following a basilar skull fracture. The nurse assesses that this is cerebrospinal fluid if the fluid:

A. Is clear and tests negative for glucose

B. Is grossly bloody in appearance and has a pH of 6

C. Clumps together on the dressing and has a pH of 7

D. Separates into concentric rings and tests positive for glucose

D. Separates into concentric rings and tests positive for glucose


The nurse is delivering fluids to a patient with a 30% total body surface area burn injury during the emergent phase. Which finding should be reported to the healthcare provider?

A. Urine output 25 mL/hr

B. An increase in the heart rate to 110 bpm

C. Pain of 9 out of 10 after IV opioid pain medications

D. Patient screaming and crying uncontrollably

A. Urine output 25 mL/hr


The nurse monitors for which clinical manifestation in the patient diagnosed with Paget’s disease?

A. Bone deformity

B. Joint stiffness

C. Muscle atrophy

D. Hyperreactive reflexes

A. Bone deformity


Rectal bleeding associated with hemorrhoids is usually described as:

A. Streaks of bright red blood on the stool or the toilet paper after wiping

B. Dark brown to black in color and mixed in with normal-appearing stool

C. A large amount of brisk red bleeding

D. Significant blood clots and mucous mixed with stool

A. Streaks of bright red blood on the stool or the toilet paper after wiping