This architectural period is characterized by flying buttresses, pointed arches, stained glass, and high ceilings
What is Gothic?
He emphasized the humanity and suffering of Christ and was said to have had a special relationship with animals and nature because of his teachings about the beauty of God's creations. It was believed that he recieved the stigmata because of his closeness to Christ.
Who was St. Francis of Assisi?
The depiction of a figure as larger than those around it in order to show the figure's importance is known as this
What is hieratic scale?
In his speech on Mars Hill, this person used his knowledge of stoicism and epicureanism as platforms to teach principles like our identity as children of God, God's personal involvement in our lives, and the resurrection
This Hellenistic sculpture depicts a priest from Troy who tried to warn the Trojans about the horse, but was attacked by snakes as a result
This period is characterized by emotional restraint, interest in ideal proportions, balance, and humanism. Much of the art of Rome and the Renaissance is patterned after this style.
He conquered much of the western world and western Asia before his death at a young age. The period after his death is often called the Hellenistic period because of the spread of Greek culture and language to the areas of his conquest.
Who was Alexander the Great?
What is contrapasso?
Sappho was famous for poetry that focused on love and emotions, rather than stories or war. This type of poetry, generally meant to be accompanied by music, is referred to as this....
This famous building commemorates the place where Muhammad last stepped before ascending to heaven on his night journey. It is built on the same site as the Temple Mount.
what is the Dome of the Rock?
This type of art/architecture is characterized by pointed or horseshoe arches, tile and mosiac patterns, domes, and calligraphy as art. There are seldom depictions of human beings or deity.
What is Islamic art/architecture
His philosophy included a belief in ideal, perfect forms that existed outside the realm of the human senses. His Allegory of the Cave illustrated his belief that knowledge liberated us from misconceptions and incorrect traditions, but had to be gained gradually and with effort.
Who was Plato?
This type of poetry generally revolves around a hero, often begins in medias res, is generally written in meter, and contains grand similes and metaphors.
What is epic poetry?
This period is characterized by a renewed interest in Greek and Roman styles, humanism, and a celebration of the human body.
What is Renaissance art?
He dreamed of creating a new, Christian empire like that of Rome (calling it the Holy Roman Empire), and ushered in a period of artistic achievement and education called the Carolingian Renaissance.
This type of art is made by combining small pieces of glass, tile, or rock (tesserae) into a larger work
What is a mosaic?
What is fraud?
This small sculpture from the prehistoric period was probably associated with fertility and would have been carried from place to place by hunter-gatherers.
This period is characterized by heavy use of gold, flat images, and elongated features.
What is Byzantine art?
Although a student of Plato, he believed in the study of nature and the things around us as a means of gaining knowledge. He believed that virtue could be practiced and acquired and that most virtues lay between two extremes.
This literary device, often used in Psalms and other Hebrew poetry, involved repeating ideas in different ways in order to emphasize their importance.
What is parallelism?
He describes how, as a young man, he stole pears from a tree--not because he needed them or was hungry, but solely for the sake of stealing.
This sculpture represents the emperor in the pose of an orator, dressed in armor, and flanked by Cupid and a dolphin (representing Venus).