Number of written comps each student takes
Who writes your reading lists?
You, with help from your professors
Can you use AI to write your comp answer?
No, but you can use AI as a research assistant to prepare
How many times can I attempt the comps?
True or false: I must take all comps within a six-week period.
False, you can set the timing but there are recommendations
What does "comp" stand for?
When should you pick a comps chair?
In spring semester of your 2nd year
Can you cut and paste from previously assigned work for your comps?
No, this is self-plagiarism
Can you change the composition of your comps committee if you fail one or more comps?
Yes, but only for cause
True or false: I cannot contact any member of my committee while taking comps.
False, but there are rules.
When comps typically taken and completed
Fall of your 3rd year of PhD study
Who gets copies of your comp answers
Can you consult others while writing your comps?
Advanced to candidacy
Your status once you pass comps (in the next semester)
True or false: I will be provided the exact question in advance
What are the two parts of comps?
Written and oral
How long do you have to write your comprehensive exam answer?
48 hours
True or false: If you fail one comp, you fail them all.
True or false: The college has set an exact word limit on comps
Name the 4 comps categories
Theory, speciality, method, and cognate
True or False: Your comps chair and your dissertation chair MUST be the same person
False, but mostly true
You can pass all the written work but fail the oral.
True, but it would be unusual
How far in advance should I schedule the oral exam?
ASAP but at least six weeks in advance.
True of false: Comps are ritualistic hazing with no real purpose