What abilities does a computer have?
It can store, retrieve and process data.
Describe what a keyboard is?
A keyboard is the main way to communicate with a computer, they allow you to accomplish basic tasks.
What are ports used for?
Ports help you when you need to connect something to your computer, for example a keyboard, mouse , or a new printer.
What is a hard drive?
The hard drive is where your software, documents, and other files are stored.
Why is a laptop computer more convenient?
A laptop computer can be easily moved and used in a variety of locations.
A _________________ is an electronic device that manipulates, generates, store data.
What does a mouse allow you to do with a computer?
It allows you to point to objects on the screen, click and move them.
What is the motherboard?
The motherboard is the computers main circuit board that makes other ports connect to it.
Do laptops have ports?
Yes, but very fewer than a desktop.
_____ used to play sound and you listen to the sound effects?
What does peripherals mean?
Peripherals are the type of devices you can plug into your computer ports.
What is RAM?
RAM is your system’s short-term memory and store your work while computer is still on.
Are laptops or desktops more expensive?
Laptops tend to be more expensive.
What are similarities between a smartphone and a computer?
They both browse the internet and can play games.
A ____________ transfers data from computer on to the paper like A4?
What are five examples of peripherals?
Five examples of a peripheral are a printer, scanner, headphones, speakers, and web cameras.
__________ ________ retrieve and store data on disks like CD or dvd,
Optical Drive.
which one is the smallest type of computer?
Micro Computer
Screen, speaker, printer, projector.
______________ use to displays information like visual form or text.
Monitor or screen
There are different types of ports. What are three examples of other ports?
Serial , Parallel ports and VGA Port or USB Ports.
What is another name for a CPU? (Central Processing Unit)
The processor.
What is a Power Supply?
A tool that converts the electrical power from the wall to the components inside the computer.