Information is lost when power is off.
How a computer takes in information from a user.
A tag-based programming language designed to create websites.
Atari (2600)
A base 16 number system which uses 16 different ‘digits’ to represent each value.
What is the piece of hardware known as the "brains of the computer"
The part of a computer that connects all of the components to the processor.
Small pieces of data transferred between computers when communicating.
The first electronic, programmable, general purpose computer ever built. It was at the University of Pennsylvania and used vacuum tubes.
ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer)
The number "fifty" in hexadecimal form.
A way of explaining or communicating that simplifies complex concepts by removing detail and automating certain functions. Layers of this make coding languages possible.
Network Card (NIC)
A way to share data over a network where the data is not in a central location, but rather pieces of information are gathered from various other users.
Peer to Peer
These were developed as a form of large, non-volatile storage that has much faster access and no moving parts to break down.
SSD (Solid State Drive)
0 and 0 = 0
0 and 1 = 0
1 and 0 = 0
1 and 1 = 1
Out of And, Or, Xor, and Not, it's the type of gate that would produce this result
The symbols and format that is consistent in a coding language that must be followed for the information to be processed correctly.
The most common form factor for desktop computers.
This series of numbers identifies a device and its location on a network.
IP Address
A contest was created to develop a computer that could speed up tabulation in this event scheduled to occur in 1890
U.S. Census
The number of bits needed to write the amount "one hundred" in binary form.
The hard-wired, integrated code that is needed when a computer boots up. It is encoded on ROM.
This type of PCIe slot is designed for SSD hard drives.
A type of internet protocol that checks for missing packets when data is shared.
The Hollerith Tabulating company, along with 2 other companies, combined to form this large company headed by Thomas Watson in the early 1900's.
IBM (International Business Machines)
The binary form of the hexadecimal number represented by EE
11101110 (238 in decimal)