Introduction to Business Systems
Designing and Implementing Systems
Intellectual Property
Information system careers and Data Analysis

 A combination of technology, people, and procedures used to organize, analyze, and store data.

Information Systems


The study and design of a system, accomplished by examining its components and their interactions.

Systems Analysis and Design


The SDLC phase that involves studying existing information systems that are already in place and the requirements for new information systems

Analysis Phase


Anything that is owned by a copyright holder.

Intellectual Property


Spreadsheet software created by Microsoft that helps organize and turn data into useful tables, charts, and graphs.

Microsoft Excel


An area of computer science that focuses on intelligent machines.

Artificial Intelligence


A methodology or framework that defines steps and tasks for developing and maintaining information systems.

System Development Life Cycle (SDLC)


A systematic process for determining and addressing needs, or "gaps" between current conditions and desired conditions, or "wants".

Needs Assessment


Protections granted by the federal government to creators, writers, and inventors regarding rights to reproduce, display, make derivatives of, sell, rent, or lend a work.



The process of turning data points into useful information.

Data Analytics


A recent trend which is completely internet-based and uses cryptographical functions to conduct financial transactions.



A development model that breaks down project activities into a series of sequential or linear phases, each phase depending on the deliverables from the previous phase.

Waterfall Model


The practice of initiating, planning, executing, controlling, and closing the work of a team to achieve specific goals and meet specific success criteria at the specified time.

Project Management


A law that was created to protect artists of all types (musical, visual, literary, etc.) from having their work pirated through technology.

Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA)


A detail-oriented professional who manages a team to get projects done in a timely manner and under budget.

Project Manager


Software that organizes notes, activities, and metrics into one working system that can help a business in many stages of the client-business relationship including client acquisition, client support, and client retention.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)


A development model that involves designing, implementing, and testing smaller pieces of the overall project, then cycling back and doing more analysis and design.

Iterative Design


A project management process that divides a large or complex project into smaller, more manageable projects that can be completed as part of an incremental or iterative process.



Any word, picture, or symbol that's used to distinguish a good from other similar goods.



Trusted professionals who consult with organizations to help them improve the effectiveness of their information systems.

Systems Analyst


These systems provide more direct recommendations for business leaders. Artificial intelligence is used heavily in these systems, which are designed to solve complex problems in a specific domain. For example, these systems have been developed to analyze the lubricating fluid used during oil drilling and to help doctors diagnose diseases. These systems are programmed as a complex web of conditional IF…THEN statements.

Expert Systems


The SDLC phase that involves gathering information about the technology and software needs of an organization, deciding which options are most feasible, and setting timelines and deliverables for the entire project.

Planning Phase


The identification, evaluation, and prioritization of risks followed by activities that minimize, monitor, and control the impact of the risk.

Risk Management


It is a license given by a government that provides inventors a temporary monopoly on their invention. Holders are allowed to prevent other people from making, selling, or using their  invention for a certain amount of time. In exchange, the  holder has to provide the public with clear and detailed disclosure of how their invention works. The  system encourages innovation by guaranteeing the rights of inventors to make money off of their inventions for a few years, while at the same time making the details of the inventions public, which can inspire further innovation.



A manager in charge of integrating different technologies and systems within an organization including data security, company policies and procedures, and quality control when implementing new systems.

Information Systems Manager