The number of cats Sanjida (ACM-W's secretary) has.
What is 3
The output when n = 10
What is "blue"
The year that Polytechnic Institute officially became coed
When is 1958
Fun fact: Despite this, lots of women attended and graduated from Poly during WWII
The value of 8! (8 factorial)
What is 40320
The only woman to win two Nobel Prizes
Who is Marie Curie
She won nobel prizes in Physics and Chemistry
The algorithm that calls itself into subproblems in order to solve the original problem
What is recursion
The city outside of the US that Aditi (ACM-W's outreach chair) lived in
What is Dubai
The output of this code when n = 10
What is "BD"
NYU's official mascot
What is the bobcat
The sum of all EVEN numbers that are less than 99
What is 2450
The woman considered the first computer programmer
Who is Ada Lovelace
The algorithm that efficiently searches through sorted items by repeatedly dividing itself
What is Binary Search Algorithm
The brand of shoes Nisha (ACM-W's Chair) wears every day
What are Dr. Martens
The output of this code when n = 12
What is 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60
The year of Polytechnic University's official merger with NYU
When is 2014
The square of the sum of EVEN NUMBERS ((1+2+3+...+N)^2) minus the sum of the squares of ODD NUMBERS (1^2+2^2+3^2+...+N^2) of 1 to 100 (inclusive)
What is 6335850
The woman who invented the compiler and has a guided-missile destroyer named after her
Who is Admiral Grace Hopper
The search algorithm that is referred to as an improved selection sort
What is Heapsort
The body part Jenesis (ACM-W media lead) injured this summer
What is tooth
The output of this code when n = 10
What is 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, 28, 36, 45, 55
The year the first women, Anna Erdmann, received a Bachelor's degree from Polytechnic Institute
When is 1907
The integer value of the roman numeral CMLXXIV
Note: a numeral can only be placed in front of the two numerals that are closest to it in the Roman numeral system (ex. I can only be placed before V or X).
What is 974
The cryptanalyst instrumental in breaking codes for the Allies in WWII (also played by Kiera Knightley in the Imitation Game...)
Who is Joan Clarke
The algorithm that searches through a tree by starting at the root and exploring the neighbor nodes before moving on to the next level of nodes
What is Breadth-First Search
The six styles of dance Christina (ACM-W's Media Lead) grew dancing and performed internationally
What are Ballet, Jazz, Tap, Hip Hop, Lyrical, and Contemporary
The output when lst = ['How', 'are', 'you?'] and n=3
What is H, HH, a, aa, y, yy
Jasper Kane (Polytechnic '28) was famous for...
What is creating the process that Pfizer used to mass produce penicillin
The largest prime factor of 420
What is 7
This engineer helped design and implement the ARPANET, the precursor to the modern internet
Who is Radia Perlman
The algorithm that computes the shortest paths from a single source vertex to all of the other vertices in a weighted digraph thats slower than Dijkstra's algorithm
What is Bellman-Ford algorithm