What does a full stack developer do?
BOTH: Makes it pretty (front) + makes is function (back)
What is malware?
Dangerous software
What was the first message sent on the internet?
What makes up binary code?
0 and 1
Give an example of hard ware and software
Hardware = you can touch
Software = coding, cannot be touched
Give an example of an event + event hander.
Bird flaps wings
What kind of malware can lock you out of your computer until you pay a fee?
How are the USA and Europe able to connect via the internet?
Underwater ocean cables
What are the 2 mains styles of coding you can learn?
Text and Visual
Why was the internet originally invented?
Safer communication in case of a nuclear bombing
What is an algorithm?
A way of thinking to solve a problem
What are hints that you might have a phishing email?
Unknown sender
Panic / urgent
Who is in charge of the internet?
No one
What are the 3 levels of computer languages
Low = Machine
Low = Assembly
High = Programming
What are 3 rules for a good password?
letters, symbols, numbers
Upper and lowercase
No bday or common words
What is the official coding terms for an "If Then" statement?
Why are worms so dangerous?
They can spread through a network without people having to do anything.
What do PAN, LAN, and WAN stand for?
Personal, local and wide area networks
Which language is best for making video games and was written to not crash easily?
What does "debugging" mean?
Fixing a problem
What are the 3 types of Boolean Logic we learned?
What are 3 reasons cyberbullying is so dangerous?
Easy to Hide
Describe a client / server interaction.
Clients request information
Servers receive requests and send back information
Name 5 coding languages
C#, Swift, Obj C, Ruby, Python, HTML, PHP, CSS, Java, Javascript
Which coding language was used to make Gmail and Amazon?