File Types
Design Terms
Marketing Terms
IP Terms

What file format is primarily associated with Microsoft Word and commonly used for essays and reports?

What is a .DOC


This is a type of program that helps protect your computer by finding and getting rid of viruses and other harmful software.

What is antivirus software?


A type of image made up of paths, which can be scaled indefinitely without losing quality, unlike images composed of pixels.

What are Vector Images?


This is when someone with a lot of followers on Instagram or YouTube talks about products, and their followers might want to buy them because they trust or admire the person.

Who is an Influencer?


If you invent something really cool, this gives you the right to be the only one who can make or sell it.

What is a Patent?


This file format is essential for web development, serving as the standard markup language for creating web pages, and uses this extension.

What is HTML?


This cybersecurity tool works like a gatekeeper for your network, deciding what data can come in and go out based on set rules to keep your computer safe.

What is a firewall?


This term describes the basic units of any visual design and includes elements like line, shape, texture, space, size, value, and color.

What are Design Elements?


This is the word for how many times people see something from a business or website on the internet, whether they click on it or not.

What are Impressions?


This legal doctrine permits limited use of copyrighted material without needing to ask for permission, specifically for activities like education.

What is Fair Use?


This file format is known for its ability to support lossless data compression and transparency.

What is a PNG file?


This cybersecurity threat involves using deceptive emails and websites to trick people into giving away personal information like passwords or credit card numbers, often pretending to be from a trustworthy source.

What is phishing?


This principle of composition divides an image into nine equal parts with two horizontal and two vertical lines, suggesting that significant elements should be placed along these lines or at their intersections.

What is the Rule of Thirds?


This is a special kind of marketing where a website gets something in return, like a small payment, for each visitor or customer brought by the website's own marketing efforts.

What is Affiliate marketing?


This term describes works that are not protected by copyright, often because the copyright has expired, allowing anyone to use them freely.

What is Public Domain?


Utilized primarily for storing tabular data such as spreadsheets or databases, this simple file format allows for easy data exchange between different programs.

What is a .CSV


This type of attack aims to make a website or service unavailable by flooding it with excessive traffic from multiple sources, effectively overwhelming the target and causing it to shut down.

What is a DDoS attack?


This design term refers to the method of adjusting the horizontal space between two characters to enhance its appearance and readability.

What is Kerning?


This marketing term is a plan that shows the steps a company thinks a person will take from first hearing about their product to finally buying it.

What is a Sales Funnel?


This type of payment is made to creators or copyright holders when someone else uses their intellectual property, like playing their music in a public place.

What is a Royalty?


These two file formats, one a container often used for videos and the other a highly adaptable format for high-quality images, each are known for their use in storing movie clips and high-resolution scans, respectively.

What are MP4 and TIFF files?


This serious security incident involves unauthorized access to private data, such as personal information being stolen from a company's database, often leading to significant breaches of privacy and security.

What is a data breach?


This design term describes a basic visual guide used in web development that represents the layout of a website's content and structural elements without graphical design details.

What is a Wireframe?


This term describes the total number of people who could possibly see a post or advertisement on social media, like how many people follow the page or could come across the post.

What is Reach?


This term refers to a new creation that is based on pre-existing works, like a video game mod or a movie sequel.

What is a Derivative Work?