What does smart phone do that a normal house phone may not do?
Go on to the internet
What program have we been working with morning?
What does this program help us do quickly?
Spreadsheet - Google sheets
What is this called?
A mobile computer used most of the time by tapping with a finger or a stylus on a touch screen.
What is WiFi?
Wi-Fi is a wireless connection to a device that allows connection to the internet.
What is this called?
Sim card
What is Computer software?
Programs , instructions used by a computer.
Can you make calls with a Tablet?
Yes you can ..
you can use your internet connection to make a call
Is Tim Horton public FREE wifi safe?
No as there is no password so not secure connection to the internet.
Thank you for, choosing this question. To receive Bonus points Please state 3 different types of Personal Information
This is personal information. It should be kept private.
When you use a chromebook all your work is saved to the ??????
To the Cloud
Can a Tablet be used for streaming movies?
What do we mean by Bluetooth?
Bluetooth is a wireless technology that allows devices to connect with out cables.
What does a browser allow you to do?
A browser allows you to access the Internet.
What type of computer is this? It is mobile.
You can carry it in a bag.
Lap top
What does this icon mean?
Downloading - To Copy (data) from one computer system to another, usually over the Internet.
Is the color of your hair personal information?
No. Why?
Name three (4) browsers
Can you carry a desk top to the airport if you were travelling?
What is a Graphics card?
A Graphics Card is a piece of computer hardware that produces the image you see on a monitor
What does the S in Https stand for?