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The "other" Steve that founded Apple together with Jobs.

Who is Steve Wozniak?


This term comes from removing insects from short circuiting computer circuits.

What is debugging?


This kind of function, common in functional programming has no side effects.

What is a pure function?


This ID Software's game established the FPS genre, with its 3D shootings in a castle's maze.

What is Wolfenstein 3D?


The SIC that aims to channel the creative potential of Columbia students into concrete technical projects by providing resources, guidance, and an opportunity to learn outside of both the classroom and standard curriculum.

What is ADI House?


Got a posthumous apology from the British Government for their treatment, this person was part of the team that broke Enigma, and no programming language is complete without this name.

Who is Alan Turing?


Grew up from ed, one variant of this editor even shares the name with a famous singer.

What is vi?


This design pattern, specific for C++ has an acronym CRTP.

What is Curiously recurring template pattern?


This technique was introduced to be able to render the frame in the background, and to show it only when it is complete.

What is multiple buffering (or double buffering)? 


This frame in h264 does not reference any previous frames.

What is I-Frame?


Currently leading the SOLID web decentralization project, this person is better known as the inventor of World Wide Web during their work in CERN institute.

Who is Tim Berns-Lee?


Made to help search text through Federalist papers, this Unix command stayed with us for 30 years.

What is grep?


These lightweight threads, implemented by Go and some other programming languages are known by another, more colorful name.

What are Green Threads?


2D game engines have pixels, typical 3D engines have polygons, Minecraft has this unit for its terrain.

What are voxels?


This NVIDIA SIMD framework makes it's GPUs popular even for non-graphics workloads.

What is CUDA?


This computer scientist, author of TeX typesetting system among other things, is still writing the missing tomes of his Art of Computer Programming books.

Who is Donald Knuth?


Before inventing Git for this purpose, Linux kernel used this proprietary VCS.

What is BitKeeper?


This book, by authors known as "gang of four" is a seminal book in computer science.

What is "Design Patterns"?


Made in 1996 by Alexey Pajitnov, this game with colorful shapes sold more than 200 million copies.

What is Tetris?


VSYNC is made specifically to avoid this type of display annoyance.

What is tearing?


This computer scientist famously used pieces of wire during lectures to explain latency and speed of light to the generals.

Who is Grace Hopper?


This 1968. presentation by Douglas Engelbart, done live, demonstrated many fundamentals of modern personal computing, including windows, hypertext, video conferencing, computer mouse, word processing, collaborative real-time editing and more. It has very much deserved the name it got.

What is The Mother of all Demos?


These are important tools in computer science, and they are thoroughly covered in the "Dragon Book".

What are compilers?


This 3D game engine was developed by Valve, and it was first used in Half-Life 2 and Counter-Strike.

What is Source Engine?


Other people say You Only Live Once, but in Deep Learning world, YOLO means something else.

What is "You Only Look Once"?