Community Organizations
Mental Health Signs and Symptoms
Eating Healthy
Coping Skills

Where can I go to get help with my utility bills, if I get behind?

Jefferson Franklin Community Action Center - LIHEAP


When I'm stressed or having difficulties I tend to eat in excess, sometimes to the point of making me feel ill.  What could I be experiencing during these times? 

Binge Eating


How many servings of fruits and vegetables are recommended daily?

5-7 Servings per day


When I get ready to leave my home/apartment for even a few minutes I should always?

Make sure the stove is shut off - even if you only intend to be gone a second. 

Unplug all electrical items that are not in use to avoid fire hazards. 

Make sure that I've secured my doors and windows as needed. 


Can you name one coping skill that has worked for you in the past?


Where can I go to get a copy of my Birth Certificate?

Jefferson County Health Department


I have a tendency to spend excessive amounts of money on things at times and feel as if I have an endless bank account. What is this disorder called? 

Bi-Polar Disorder

How many servings of meats and proteins should I have daily? 

2 - 6 oz. servings

I've just gotten medications filled and I come in, where should I put them? 

Always put medications in a safe place, away from children and pets.  Keep controlled medications in a locked location. 


Can you think of a coping skill that has not been described that you think might be helpful for someone to know and use?



Where can I go for Dental Services that will cost according to my income?

Comtrea Dental Clinic  

Hickory Plaza - Hillsboro

Arnold Comtrea Office

Valley School District

Mobile Unit


My heart is racing, my hands are sweating and I feel light headed and sometimes is hard to catch my breath.  What could I be experiencing? 

Panic and or Anxiety. 


What substance should I drink most often?



While you are cooking you burn your arm on a pan.  What should you do? 

Minor Burns:

Cool the burn with cool tap water or wet compress for 10 minutes. (Do not ice.)  Do no apply ointments, toothpaste, butter as these can lead to infection.

Don't break blisters and seek medical attention if the burn is severe or symptoms worsen. 


Can you think of a coping skill that has not been described that you think might be helpful for someone to know and use?



I'm running low on food this month, where do I go?

Local Food Bank

DeSoto Food Bank

705 E Stone St, De Soto, MO 63020 

(636) 586-7300


I've started not wanting to be around others and have withdrawn.  I'm not answering phone calls because I really feel like I can't talk to anyone.  It is affecting my work, sleep, study and eating.  What could I be suffering from? 

Depression - possibly Major Depression depending on the period of this experience. 


What is it called when I monitor the amount of food I'm eating at one time? 

Portion control

I keep hearing a chirping sound in my home.  What should I do? 

Check all of my detectors. 

If in an apartment - contact the housing office ASAP to have it checked and the batteries replaced

In my own home, check and replace the batteries and replace the actual units if they are over 5-10 years old according to the manufacture.  



Can you think of a coping skill that has not been described that you think might be helpful for someone to know and use?



What if I have a small child, under the age of 3 or I'm pregnant, where can I get support for my baby on a weekly or monthly basis for needed items like formula, diapers, infant clothing and other?

Nurses for Newborns

(314) 544-3433

Also, WIC

405 Main St, Hillsboro, MO 63050 

(636) 797-3737


What could I be suffering from if I feel sad, depressed, tired, fatigued, lack of motivation, finding it hard to get up in the mornings, sleeping more or not able to sleep during the fall and winter months?

Seasonal Depression

Yes, this is a real thing! 


What non-dairy food can I add to my diet that is high in Calcium? 

Nuts and Seeds - Almonds, (poppy, sesame, celery, chia seeds)

Sardines and Canned Salmon

Beans and lentils

Leafy greens - spinach, kale


What is something I can do to prepare for an emergency such as a fire? 

Prepare and Emergency Exit Plan

Include where to meet outside, where the fire extinguishers are located, make sure I have a path to my exits, know where my exits are.


Can you think of a coping skill that has not been described that you think might be helpful for someone to know and use?
