professional identity
clinical reasoning

Which activity associated with the American Nurses Association has the greatest impact on the quality of care provided by a nurse at the client’s bedside?

A. Accrediting nursing education programs.

B. Publishing standards of professional nursing practice.

C. Lobbying economic issues impacting on the profession of nursing.

D. Mentoring the professional development of future registered nurses.

B.Publishing standards of professional nursing practice.


The nurse is caring for a patient experiencing an allergic reaction and has an order for Diphenhydramine (Benadryl). The medication labeled Benazepril is the only medication in the bin. The nurse contacts the pharmacy for the correct medication to avoid what type of error?  



A nurse is caring for a client who is placed on droplet precautions. Which of the following actions should the nurse take?

wear a mask within 2 feet of the patient

Place a surgical mask on a clinic when they leave their room

don't brush the patient 

Place a surgical mask on a clinic when they leave their room


A nurse is planning client care based on moral and ethical principles. Which nursing statement demonstrates an effort to implement the principle of fidelity?

A.“Let’s talk about foods that are health and that you should include in your daily diet.”

B.“I know that you are out of work, so I have arranged for you to get follow-up care at our outpatient clinic.”

C.“You said that your son wants you to have this surgery. What is important is what you believe is best for you.”

D.“It’s been half an hour, and I am back as I promised to ensure that the pain medication, I gave you is providing relief.”

D.“It’s been half an hour, and I am back as I promised to ensure that the pain medication, I gave you is providing relief.”


Which activity is the nurse engaged in when identifying a nursing clinical problem?

A.Discovering causes of diseases

B.Documenting desired expected outcomes

C.Planning care to meet nursing needs of a client.

D. Identifying human responses to actual or potential health problems

D. Identifying human responses to actual or potential health problems


The components of the nursing metaparadigm include:

A. Person, health, environment, and theory.

B. Health, theory, concepts, and environment.

C. Nurses, physicians, health, and patient needs.

D. Person, health, environment, and nursing.

D. Person, health, environment, and nursing.


What percentage of medication errors occur at the administration stage and involve nurses?

26 to 36%


A nurse is observing a newly licensed nurse perform hand hygiene. Which of the following actions by the newly licensed nurse indicates an understanding of the procedure?

use warm water

wash hands 10 sec

Hold their hands below their elbows when rising off soap

shake your hands

Hold their hands below their elbows when rising off soap


Which situation(s) should the nursing staff refer to the hospital ethics committee? Select all that apply.

A.The adult client with renal insufficiency who refuse dialysis.

B.The wife who wants her unconscious husband to have a drug that is available in a phase-three trial.

C.The parents of a developmentally disabled adult who disagree with the health care decisions of the court-appointed guardian. 

D.The adult client recently diagnosed with metastatic cancer who wants hospice care but whose family wants chemotherapy to given immediately.

E.The members of a family who disagree on the medical course of action for a relative who is unconscious and did not identify a person to be a health care proxy.

C. The parents of a developmentally disabled adult who disagree with the health care decisions of the court-appointed guardian. 

E. The members of a family who disagree on the medical course of action for a relative who is unconscious and did not identify a person to be a health care proxy.


The nurse is caring for a group of patients on the medical-surgical unit. Which action(s) are examples of the assessment step of the nursing process? Select all that apply.

A. Administering pain medication for a headache.

B. Taking a client’s blood pressure after ambulating.

C. Obtaining laboratory results performed from the emergency department.

D. Taking a client’s apical pulse when the radial pulse obtained was irregular.

E. Determining if a client tolerated the change from a soft diet to a regular diet.

C. Obtaining laboratory results performed from the emergency department.

D. Taking a client’s apical pulse when the radial pulse obtained was irregular.


Theory is essential to nursing practice because it: Select all that apply.

A.Contributes to nursing knowledge.

B.Predicts patient behaviors in situations.

C. Provides a means of assessing patient vital signs.

D. Guides nursing practice.

E. Formulates health care legislation.

F. Explains relationships between concepts.

A. Contributes to nursing knowledge.

C. Provides a means of assessing patient vital signs.

D. Guides nursing practice.

F. Explains relationships between concepts.


The nurse is completing the admission process for a client who has a history of falls. Which action is nurse’s priority?

A. Complete a fall-risk assessment.

B. Educate the client and family about the fall risk.

c. Eliminate safety hazards from the client’s environment.

D. Make sure the client uses an assistive device (walker

A. Complete a fall-risk assessment


A nurse is caring for a client who has a new diagnosis of Clostridium difficile and is placed on contact precautions. Which of the following actions should the nurse take?

Shake bed linens

use electronic materials 

remove gown before remove gloves

Remove the protective gown before leaving the client's room.

Remove the protective gown before leaving the client's room.


A nurse is implementing care based on moral and ethical principles. What should the nurse do first to accomplish a personal professional code of ethics consistent with the American Nurses Association Code of Ethics for Nurses?

A.Deliver care that preserves and protects client autonomy and self-determination.

B.Explore personal values and beliefs because they affect nursing decisions.

C.Implement culturally competent and sensitive nursing care to clients.

D.Respect the inherent worth and uniqueness of each individual client.

B.Explore personal values and beliefs because they affect nursing decisions.


A client became short of breath and reported sudden chest pain while being transferred from the bed to a chair for the first time after surgery for a fractured hip. The nurse immediately returned the client to bed, raised the head of the bed, and started oxygen 2 L via nasal cannula. Which step of the nursing process should the nurse perform next?







A nurse ensures that each patient’s room is clean; well ventilated; and free from clutter, excessive noise, and extremes in temperature. Which theorist’s work is the nurse practicing in this example?



A nurse is caring for a client who fell at home. The client is oriented to person, place, and time and can follow directions. Which of the following actions should the nurse take to decrease the risk of another fall? (Select all that apply.)

A. Place a belt restraint on the client when sitting on the bedside commode.

B. Keep the bed in its lowest position with all side rails up.

Make sure that the client’s call light is within reach.

Provide the client with nonskid footwear.

Complete a fall-risk assessment.



A nurse is changing the bed linen for a client who is on contact precautions. Which of the following personal protective equipment should the nurse wear?







Which term describes the situation when a nurse says to a pediatric client, “If you don’t be quiet, I will not let your parents visit you today”?

A. Trot

B. Assault



B. Assault


A nurse formulates the following goal with a client: “The client will ambulate in the hall without experiencing activity intolerance.” Which statement(s) address the status of this goal? Select all that apply.

A. It is not measurable.

B. It is not client-centered.

C. It is missing a parameter.

D. Its is missing a target time.

E. It is a correctly written goal. 

A. It is not measurable.

C. It is missing a parameter.

D. Its is missing a target time.


A nurse is caring for a patient admitted to the neurological unit with the diagnosis of a stroke and right-sided weakness. The nurse assumes responsibility for bathing and feeding the patient until the patient can begin performing these activities. The nurse in this situation is applying the theory developed by:



A charge nurse is assigning rooms for the clients to be admitted to the unit. To prevent falls, which client should the nurse assign to the room closet to the nurses’ station?

A. A young adult who is postoperative following a laparoscopic appendectomy (appendix removal)

B.A middle-aged adult (45-year-old) who requires cardiac monitoring for a possible myocardial infarction (heart attack)

C. A young adult who is postoperative following ankle surgery

D. An older adult who is postoperative following a below the knee amputation

D. An older adult who is postoperative following a below the knee amputation


A nurse is caring for a client who is immunocompromised following an allogenic hematopoietic stem cell transplant. The nurse should place the client on which of the following precautions?







Using Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, identify the priority for a patient who is experiencing chest pain and difficulty breathing.

A. self esteem 

B. air, water, nutrition

C. live, laugh, love

D. Air and self esteem

B. Air, water, and nutrition