Asking for help when one does not know, seeking wisdom of mentors with knowledge, skill and ability.
Intellectual humility
A set of beliefs, practices, codes of conduct associated with a structure or organized group that integrates beliefs and values into a way of living
What standard states "the registered nurse seeks knowledge and competence that reflects current nursing practice and promotes futuristic thinking"
Standard 13
Relating client observations to potential complications is what step of the CJM?
What encompassess hope, purpose, meaning, connections/relationships, appreciations and understanding. Hint: The journey
The degree to which an individual has the capacity to obtain, communicate, process and understand basic health information and services to make appropriate health decisions
Health Literacy
Changes that take place as a result of coping are called
What part of the nursing process can be obtained from laboratory or diagnostic tests, measured or observed by the nurse or healthcare providers.
Respectful and equitable practice, which stresses the importance of cultural humility and social equity, resisting systemic racism, and demonstrating diversity, equity, and inclusion in one’s practice.
Lack of motivation, language barrier, environment not conductive to learning, teaching not suited to learning preferences and style are all examples of what
barriers for the learner/ barriers of learning
Overeating, working too much, oversleeping, subtance abuse, etc. are examples of ...
maladaptive/ineffective coping
Risk for Falls r/t lack of staff to assist with ambulation is an example of what in the nursing process
What kind of care does the nurse provide through goal-directed, patient-centered care, incorporating values, religious/spiritual beliefs, needs and preferences?
Holistic care
What part of the nursing process applies for the following questions about patient education:
Were tour teaching methods, timing of the teaching, content, and quality suited to the client's and caregiver's needs?
When the nurse asks the patient "What do you usually do to handle stressful situations?", she/he is...
Assessing coping methods and adaptation
The _______ problem is a certain physiologic complication that nurses manage using physician prescribed and nursing prescribed interventions to minimize complications
Collaborative problem
a type of unconscious prejudice that can lead to unfair treatment. It can manifest in many forms, including stereotypes, assumptions, and preferences.
Implicit bias
A limitation of this format of patient teaching is that it assumes literacy, proficiency in the dominant language, visual acuity and must be in a 6th grade reading level with words that most people understand.
Printed materials
In response to a perceived stressor, the nurse knows that this glucorticoid increases blood glucose levels