Global Health/Disasters
Home Health/Hospice/Palliative Care
Cultural Competence

Name at least two international organizations.

What is the:

•World Health Organization (WHO)

•Pan American Health Organization (PAHO)

•United Nations (UN)

•United Nations International Children’s Fund (UNICEF)

•World Bank

•Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)


Who are more likely to be homeless.

Who are

People who have disabilities.


What was the purpose of Home Health?

What is

Provide nursing care to individuals and families in their home


How would you prioritize care?

ABC's and the Maslow's


What is cultural competence define as.

What is

Cultural competence is respecting and understanding the values and beliefs of a certain cultural group so that one can function effectively in caring for members of that cultural group.


What does the CDC do?

What is

•Forefront of public health efforts to prevent and control infectious and chronic diseases, injuries, workplace hazards, disabilities, and environmental health threats

•Globally recognized for conducting research and investigations and for its action oriented approach


Three factors that contribute to homelessness. 

What is

1.Shortage of affordable housing

2.Income insufficient to meet basic needs

3.Inadequate and scarce support services


What is the purpose of Hospice?

What is

•Improves end-of-life care for the terminally ill

•Relieves suffering throughout the illness

•Supports the patient and family/caregiver through the dying process

•Provides grief support to the family after the patient has died


With Child abuse who is the most likely the perpetrators? 

Who is

By parents, family members, caregivers, clergy, coaches, and teachers.

•Higher risks among disabled children and children under 4 years of age


Healthy People 2030 aims are:

What is 

Promotion of healthy development and behaviors, promotion of healthy and safe communities for all, engagement of leadership to improve systems for personal and public health, elimination of health disparities and achievement of health equity, and prevention and reduction of diseases and disorders across all life stages.


Who created the Healthy People program?

What is the


To attain high-quality, longer lives free of preventable disease, disability, injury, and premature death, achieve health equity, eliminate disparities, and improve the health of all groups


Who in the homeless population has a higher risk of mortality/morbidity? List four.

Who are 

•Acute physical health problems (including respiratory and trauma)

•Chronic disorders and poor dentition

•Mental illness and minor emotional problems

•Alcohol and drug use


Palliative Care what is the purpose?

What is

Focuses on relieving symptoms and improving quality of life for serious diseases.


What is the best way to avoid the spread of infection?

What is

Hand Hygiene 


African Americans and Hispanics are more likely to have?

What is

Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health Care


List the characteristics of disasters.

What is

•Primary prevention—preventing occurrence of disaster or limiting consequences

•Risk map—geographic map of area analyzed for potential disaster

•Resource map—geographic map outlines resources available if area affected by disaster

•Secondary prevention—strategies are implanted once the disaster occurs

•Tertiary prevention—recovery


HUD's definition of homelessness. Four categories.

What are

Category 1: Literally Homeless

Category 2: Imminent Risk of Homeless

Category 3: Homeless Under Other Federal Statutes

Category 4: Fleeing/Attempting to Flee Domestic Violence (DV)


Who qualifies for Hospice?

Who are

Certified by physician or nurse practitioner to be terminally ill with life expectancy of 6 months or less; eligible to receive Medicare Hospice Benefit

                                —DHHS (2016)


List the types of disasters

What are

•Natural disasters (Weather events, earthquakes, volcanoes, diseases)

•Manmade disasters (Wars, structural collapses, accidents, riots, pollution)

•Terrorism (May include use of weapons of mass destruction)

•Combination disasters (NA-TECH (natural/technological) disaster—a natural disaster that creates or results in a widespread technological problem)


In cultural diversity the nurse understands the following.

What is

How cultural groups view life processes

How cultural groups define health and illness

How healers cure and care for members of their respective cultural groups

How the cultural background of the nurse influences the way care is delivered


List the four phases of the response to a disaster.

What are

1.Heroic phase—helping others

2.Honeymoon phase—relive event and tell stories; express gratitude

3.Disillusionment phase—feelings of despair and exhaustion

4.Reconstruction phase—rebuilding, return to normalcy


Who is on the rise of homelessness and why?

Who are 

Families with children

Families experiencing homelessness often have histories of chronic physical and mental health conditions, substance abuse, victimization, and low education and job training of adults


What are some cultural differences related to Death and Dying?

What are

•Beliefs, attitudes, and values about death, dying, grief, and loss are influenced by society and culture.

•Many individual differences exist within cultural groups.

•Ask patients and/or families about beliefs and practices to avoid generalizations and to ensure that nursing care is patient centered and culturally sensitive.


Describe the START system and the four-color code and what it representing.

What are

Green - Can walk and wait.

Yellow - Can not walk but stable

Red - Abnormal breathing and pulse

Black -  Not breathing


A person’s tendency to impose his or her own beliefs, values, and patterns of behavior on individuals from another culture is called?

What is 

Cultural imposition