Regulation of workplace safety
Etiology of injury and illness
Illness and Injury Prevention in Nursing Practice
Nurse Safety
Miscellaneous Safety


What is OSHA protecting workers from in the workplace? 

Safety hazards and health risks 


What are some examples of potentially harmful and hazardous substances nurses can come in contact with?

Radiation, drugs, cleaning chemicals, and unintentional needlesticks


What are some examples that cold increase physical and psychologic demands throughout their shifts?

Workforce downsizing, extended workloads, and increased acuity levels of patients


What are some of the common blood-borne disease/illnesses nurses could come in contact with when inserting an IV? 

Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, and HIV 


If a patient is able to walk, but experienced a fall prior to being hospitalized, what assistive device device must the nurse provide? 

Gait belt 


What does NIOSH stand for and what do they do?

NIOSH- National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health

They generate new knowledge in safety and health and transfer that into the workplace for the betterment of the workplace and the workers.


What disorder do nurses experience more than other occupations?

Musculoskeletal disorders


What are simple measures that can be done to present or minimize exposure to illnesses? 

Hand hygiene and sanitation protocols


What is the priority action needed by a nurse who experienced a needlestick injury? 

Notify supervisor 


Why are assistive devices important for both the nurse and the patient? 

Prevent fall injuries for the patient and musculoskeletal injuries for the nurse 


What do the guidelines in the NPA focus on?

Safety parameters for nurses to provide safe, effective, and efficient care


What are some resources nurses can use to help reduce the number of occupational injuries of healthcare workers?

Proper training, lifting devices, and lifting in teams


Besides musculoskeletal injuries and disorders what other problems could nurses develop?

Mental health changes, abnormal sleep patterns, and chronic exhaustion


What is the first priority a nurse can do to help in preventing infections or cross contamination when caring for patients? 

Hand hygiene 


What is workplace violence? 

Any physical assault, threatening behavior, or verbal abuse occurring in the workplace setting 


What are some requirements for licensure by the board of nursing?

National council licensure examination for registered nurse (NCLEX-RN)

Continuing education requirements (varies between 3 months, 6 months, and 1-2 years)


What is PPE and what does it do?

PPE- personal protective equipment 

Protects healthcare teams/staff from illnesses and hazards, promotes a safer work environment, and supports patient safety.


What is the focus for creating a safer work environment and preventing illness and injury? 

Building an awareness of potential safety hazards and finding solutions to prevent them


When a nurse is caring for a patient with meningitis, what PPE precautions must they wear? 

Droplet- gloves, mask, gown, and goggles/face shield 



What are some strategies to prevent workplace violence? 

Keep hair up and tucked away, use breakaway lanyards, be aware of surroundings, watch for/understand emotional cues 


What are some examples of unsafe nurse practices?

Inappropriate delegation, abandonment, neglect, exceeding scope of practice, and documentation issues


Who can help healthcare facilities locate and identify health and safety hazards?



Who initiated the STOP STICKS campaign and what is the goal behind the campaign?


Raise awareness of the risks associated with bloodborne pathogens commonly associated with sharps injuries (needlesticks) 


If a nurse is required to wear PPE, where must the nurse don the PPE properly? 

Designated donning station


What is a mental health safety risk most nurses experience that can affect the quality of their performance? 

Burnout or compassion fatigue