Languagey Words
ELL School Programs
Cummins, Cummins, Cummins
Other views, models, and ideas
The process of going back and forth from one language to another, for reasons such as better expression, social solidarity, or lack of full command of English.
What is translanguaging or code switching?
The English-only rational that ignores the activities that many bilingual students engage in with their parents and the rest of the world.
What is the no translation misconception?
Students lose their native language proficiency
What is subtractive programs?
The difference among academic performance for students with similar _____ proficiency is accounted by Cummins' CUP theory.
What is English?
A structured alternation of L1, L2, L1 instruction that increases student comprehension of material.
What is preview, view, review?
The changes in forms and uses and decreased use of minoritized languages can lead to language death.
What is language shift?
All teaching should be done in the target language to get ELL students to learn English.
What is the direct method assumption.
ELLs are taught basic vocabulary and grammar and then integrated into English instruction.
What is ESL Pullout Traditional Instruction?
This system is comprised of individual abilities and attributes and specific conceptual and linguistic knowledge derived from experience and learning.
What is a central processing system?
The view that each language is its own separate entity, exemplified in subtractive programs.
What is monoglossic?
When bilinguals use their different languages for different functions or purposes in different situations.
What is complementarity principle?
It is believed that in bilingual education _____ bilinguals should be produced.
What is balanced?
ELLs are taught content in both their native language and target language for 4-6 years before being mainstreamed.
What is Late Exit or Maintenance Programs?
Assuming that students are exposed enough to their second language and want to learn it, if they are taught in and become proficient in the first language, then the proficiency will transfer to subsequent languages.
What is Cummins' Interdependence Hypothesis?
The six characteristics of _____ programs for ELL include: long term, instruction through first and second language, sociocultural support, interactive/cognitively challenging discovery learning, and integration with the mainstream.
What is effective?
People in the United States hold this by speaking English.
What is linguistic capital?
Any two languages that are being taught should never be taught together.
What is the two solitudes misconception?
ELLs are taught in their primary language for 2-3 years and integrated into all-English instruction, usually resulting in low reading test scores in high school.
What are Early Exit or Transitional Bilingual Education?
Knowledge, gained from learning one language is stored in one part of the brain and cannot be accessed when learning or speaking another language.
What is separate underlying proficiency (SUP)?
The view that better reflect real use of language for bilingual students that draws on translanguaging practices.
What is heteroglossic?
Immersion programs in the United States are also called this kind of education
What is submersion?
This misconception views bilingualism as ____, where languages are simply added onto the previously known language.
What is linear?
Both language groups outperform students in other bilingual education and score above 50th percentile on standardized tests in this language program.
What is Bilingual Dual-Language Education?
In the Dual Iceberg Model, _______builds up the two language peaks and can transfer from one language to another.
What is common underlying proficiency (CUP)?
Providing written resources in multiple languages, interaction with L1 proficient people, and allowing bilingual students to demonstrate comprehension of English taught material by responding in their native language are methods that support this in monolingual settings.
What is students' primary languages?