Newton's Laws
Conservation Laws
Work and Machines
Center of Gravity
What is the speed of an object that covers 12 meters in 3 seconds?
4 m/s
State Newton's 1st and 2nd Laws.
1st: An object experiencing balanced forces will have a constant velocity. Objects experiencing unbalanced forces have changing velocities. 2nd: a = F/m
When we say "momentum is conserved," what does that mean?
An object or system's momentum won't change unless an outside force acts on it.
A certain object has 200 J of kinetic energy. An external force gives it a push, doing 200 J of work on the object to speed it up. How much kinetic energy does it have now?
400 J
Does an object's center of gravity have to be located on the object? (Give an example)
No - a donut, the weighted gymnast cutout, an open ladder
What's the difference between speed and velocity?
Velocity includes an object's direction of motion!
A bowling ball is rolling along a level floor. Describe its motion if friction is not a significant force.
Constant Velocity (no external forces)
When an object is falling, its potential energy from gravity is turning into kinetic energy. Is the object's TOTAL amount of energy changing?
No! (Not unless it encounters a lot of air resistance.)
How do simple machines make doing work easier?
They increase the distance over which the work is done, so that it requires less force.
An object will be balanced if its center of mass is located where?
Over the base that is supporting the object
A certain car is able to accelerate 10 m/s/s. How fast will it be going after 4.5 seconds?
45 m/s
What is the difference between mass and weight?
Weight is a force that depends on mass. Mass measures how difficult it is to accelerate an object.
Two balls fall to the ground. One is bouncy, the other is made of dough. Which will hit the ground with more force?
The bouncy one, since it experiences a greater change in momentum when it hits the ground
A certain 10 foot long ramp raises a person a height of 2 feet. What is the mechanical advantage of the ramp?
Why do people wave their arms around when the feel off balance or lift something heavy?
They are instinctively moving their center of mass so that it stays over their feet.
What's the difference between velocity and acceleration?
Velocity is a rate of change in position, while acceleration is a rate of change in velocity.
You attempt to put your fist through a piece of paper. Is it possible for you to hit the paper harder than the paper hits you?
No! According to Newton's 3rd Law, action-reaction force pairs are equal in magnitude.
What is it called when a force changes an object's energy?
Why does a very long lever require less force to pull than a short lever would?
The long lever is doing work over a larger distance
You have a meter stick balanced on your finger. Your friend places a small massive object on one end of the meter stick. Is it possible to balance the meter stick with the object on top of it? If so, how?
Yes; the center of gravity has shifted, though - move the meter stick so that your balancing finger is closer to the mass.
Projectile motion is a blend of two motions: one horizontal, the other vertical. Which one is the constant velocity motion? Which is the accelerated motion?
A projectile has constant horizontal motion and changing (accelerated) vertical motion.
Two kids are pushing in opposite directions on a 5 kg toy box. One pushes with 20 N of force, the other pushes with 10 N of force. How much will the box accelerate?
2 m/s/s in the direction of the larger force
A cannonball is fired out of a cannon. The cannonball goes flying forward. According to momentum conservation, the cannon must move backward. Will its speed be larger, smaller or the the same as the cannonball's speed?
The cannon's speed will be be smaller than the cannonball's, since its mass is bigger.
Even the best pulley system can't operate with an efficiency of 100%. Neither can any other machine. Why not?
When using a machine, energy is always lost to friction, heat, and other internal factors.
Your friend impresses you by being able to balance a pencil vertically on their finger. While the pencil is balanced, is it in stable, unstable, or neutral equilibrium?
Unstable equilibrium, since tipping left or right will lower the pencil's center of mass