What is a sharp?
What is piano?
"The heart of the band". This instrument is a percussion instrument that is played with mallets.
What is the bass drum?
In common time, a quarter note is worth ___ beat(s).
What is one beat?
This sign means to play something again
What is a repeat sign?
"C" time signature.
What is common time or 4/4 time?
What is forte?
This instrument is a woodwind instrument without a reed. It is pitched in concert pitch and most often reads in the treble clef.
What is a flute?
In common time, a dotted half note is worth ___ beats.
What is 3 beats?
To hold until the conductor cuts you off.
What is a fermata?
A curved line connecting two of the same pitched notes.
What is a tie?
What is fortissimo?
This instrument is a brass instrument with 3 valves. It usually reads in the treble clef and is pitched in B-flat.
What is the trumpet?
In common time, an eighth rest is worth ___ beats.
What is half a beat?
This sign is usually found above or below a note head and means to play with a heavy accent. (Hint- not an accent)
What is marcato?
What is staccato?
The dynamic that indicates that the music should start loud and decrease in volume.
What is diminuendo/decrescendo.
This instrument is a woodwind instrument with one reed. It is pitched in B-flat and most often reads in the treble clef. This instrument is not the alto saxophone.
What is a clarinet?
In common time, this is the value of 1 quarter note + 1 half note + 1 dotted half note + 1 quarter rest
What is 7 beats?
This sign above a notehead that means to play a note long, full or smooth.
What is legato?
What is an accent?
The dynamic that indicates that the music should start soft and increase in volume.
What is cresecendo?
This instrument is a woodwind instrument with two reeds. It is pitched in concert pitch and most often reads in the bass clef.
What is a bassoon?
In common time, this is the value of 2 eighth notes + 1 quarter rest +1 half note + 1 quarter note + 1 whole note.
What is 9 beats?
This sign means to go back to a different section, and then jump to a coda. (Hint- Sweet caroline)
What is Da Segno al Coda?