Meet and Greets
HMNS Exhibits
VS Rules and Practices
The Concierge Way

List three facts about birthday parties at HMNS

They are highly customizable, They are typically two hours long, There are a variety of science based themes for the parties.


What do members have access to for free (Across all membership levels)?

The Permanent Exhibit Halls


List three highlights from the Paleontology Hall

Lane the Triceratops is one of the most complete triceratops in the world, along with her mummified skin.

We have 3 t-rexes, along with one real one named Wyrex.

Dipsy the Diplodocus is the museum’s original dinosaur.


List two techniques to initiate a conversation with a guest.

Ask an open-ended question.

Compliment clothing, toy, etc. that you could tie to something in the museum.


What is the "grandma test"?  Give examples

Add “grandma” at the end of something you would tell a guest to see if it sounds like something you should say.

i.e, “That’s our policy, grandma”


What does the Development department do?

Raise money for the museum, typically through galas, auctions, donations, special events, etc. 


What is a good response to the following:  
“We already saw the permanent exhibits and have no need for a membership.”

“We are constantly getting new exhibits through out the year for you to come see plus all the other great benefits.”


Name 3 facts from the malacology hall.

We have the largest sea snail shell in the world.

We have a collection of shells that show the affect of negative human environmental effects.

Curator Tina Petway was stung 3 times by a cone snail and passed out for a few days.


What are 2 little-wows that can happen at box office?

Pointing out museum highlights to a guest based on their interests.

Giving a family guide to a family who is struggling with buying tickets and keeping an eye on their children


 Explain what "make it L.A.S.T." means



Name three curators and what they are in charge of.

Tina Petway- Malacology, David Temple- Paleo, Drik Van Tuerenhout- Anthropology, Dan Brooks- Zoology, Tom Hardwick- Ancient Egypt.


What are the other HMNS Locations?

Sugar Land location and the George Observatory


What Texas animal can outrun a cheetah over a long period of time?

The pronghorn.


What are the “I will” statements?

I will be courteous and respectful.
I will project a positive image and energy.
I will uphold excellent customer service standards.
I will go above and beyond.


 What does "take notice, take action" mean? Provide an example

If you see someone or something that requires attention, attend to it.

i.e, A guest looks lost.
You find trash on the floor.


Who was the previous Museum President?

Truit Latimer


List 3 benefits of membership that specifically would entice a family with children.

Member events with arts and crafts, access to children friendly parts of the museum all year, first dibs on summer camps.


How many Tyrannosaurs does the museum have?

Four; 3 T-Rexes, 1 Gorgosaurus


What is the golden rule in VS?

To do the guest right is do right by the museum.


What is a little wow and how is it different from a museum moment? Provide examples.

Little wows are the little things that help improve the guest experience, a museum moment is when you do something that goes above and beyond.


What is halls does collections not oversee?

Any hall run by PBE, EX: Wiess, Sharks, Tut, Etc.


Talk with your fellow team members and figure out a discount and membership that would best apply to the following guests for a membership: "We are a family of 2 adults and 1 child. We travel to Houston often since we just moved to a base near Austin and we have friends in Houston. They typically join us and they have 1 adult and 2 kids"

They would qualify for a military discount and a family membership would be the best fit for them.


Name 3 things Europeans have used mummies for in the past.

Paint, medicine, or unwrapping parties.


What is the kiss of death? (AKA the big NO NO)



What is the difference in service netting and service recovery?

Service netting is preventitive and service recovery is reationary to guest problems.