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course placement
AP Courses
Career and Tech
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If 3 College Credits = 0.5 HS credits, how many HS Credits is 12 college credits?
What is 4
What grade can a student start taking concurrent enrollment courses?
What is 9th
How many CNCC credits do you get for completing an AP course?
What is zero
Which CTE certificate can you earn concurrently at CNCC that would allow you to cut my hair?
What is Cosmetology
What is the first thing to do if you want to take a concurrent course through CNCC?
What is apply for admission to CNCC.
If one college credit costs $136.00, how much does a 3 credit course cost?
What is $408
Name one of the three standardized tests CNCC accepts for course placement.
What is ACT, SAT, or Accuplacer
AP Language at MCHS is also a CNCC English course. Which one is it? ENG 121 English Composition I POS 111 Political Science LIT 115 Introduction to Literature
What is ENG 121
How many semesters does the Cosmetology certificate take to earn?
What is 3-4
How do you get a concurrent enrollment course in your schedule?
What is request it at the HS
An entire Associates degree is 60 credits. How many credits would you take each semester if you took 4 semesters to earn it?
What is 15
This course, offered at MCHS, requires students to complete MAT 121 (College Algebra) before taking it.
What is PHY 111 or MAT 122
AP US History is also a course that you can register for CNCC History credit as well. How many CNCC History credits can you earn if you pass both semesters of the class?
What is 6
Which CTE certificate can you earn concurrently at CNCC that allows you to work on my car?
What is Automotive technician
How do you get CNCC credit for a concurrent course
What is register using the CECA agreement
CSU tuition is right around $283 per credit. If you earn 60 credits through concurrent enrollment at CNCC and transfer them all to CSU, how much money have you saved?
What is $16,980
What are the pre-requisites for taking a studio ART class at CNCC?
What is none
What is the minimum score you must earn on an AP exam to transfer it to a community college for credit?
What is 3
How many semesters does it take to earn an Automotive Technician certificate?
What is 4
How do you make sure you meet the pre-requisites for a CNCC course?
What is check the course catalog
How much do students pay in tuition for Concurrent enrollment college credits?
What is $0
How do you make sure you meet the pre-requisites for any CNCC course?
What is call Julie!
There are two ways to get CNCC credit for an AP course. Name one of them.
What is pass the exam and have your score sent to CNCC, meet the pre-requisites and register at the beginning of the class.
Name another CTE certificate you can earn concurrently at CNCC.
What is EMT, CNA, or Early Childhood Certification
Who do you talk to if you have questions?
What is Julie Hoff or Mrs. Duzik