
What is a greeting?

A greeting is a verbal or gestural expression used to recognize the presence of another person.


What is sport?

Sport is a physical activity that involves established rules and can be practiced recreationally or competitively


What is a greeting for?

It serves to initiate social interaction, demonstrate courtesy and respect, and strengthen bonds between people.


Why is sport important?

It is important because it contributes to physical and mental health, encourages discipline and teamwork, and helps reduce stress.


. How important is it in society?

In society, greeting is essential because it reflects politeness, cordiality and facilitates peaceful coexistence between individuals


How does sport help us?

It helps us stay fit, improve endurance, strengthen the immune system and develop social skills


. What impact does it have on the social environment?

A greeting can create a positive atmosphere, improve interpersonal relationships, and foster harmony in different environments, such as work, school, or community.


. How do we associate it in the community?

It is associated as a means of social integration, promoting values such as respect, cooperation and healthy competition between people of different ages and cultures.


What message do you want to convey to us?

It depends on the type of greeting and the context. It can express respect, friendship, joy, formality, or even sadness in certain cases.


What skill does it bring us in daily life?

It develops skills such as coordination, agility, concentration, resilience and the ability to work in a team, useful in different areas of life.